Lightstreamer JMS Extender Web Client 3.0.0 API Reference

This JavaScript library enables any JavaScript application running in a web browser to connect to a JMS broker via JMS Extender or Lightstreamer Server with JMS Extender Adapter. A different library, specific for Node.js, is available on NPM.

The library is designed to be as class-by-class and method-by-method equivalent to JMS API 2.0 as possible. As such, start digging into the API from the ConnectionFactory object. Some differences still apply, mainly due to JavaScript asynchronous nature. Most notably, some JMS synchronous APIs, like createConnection, here require a callback and will be called asynchronously.

Following is an example of a topic connection and subscription:

    jms.ConnectionFactory.createConnection("http://my.push.server:8080/", "ActiveMQ", null, null, {
        onConnectionCreated: function(conn) {
                onException: function(exception) {
                    // Handle exceptions here

            var session = conn.createSession(false, "PRE_ACK");
            var topic = session.createTopic("stocksTopic");
            var consumer= session.createConsumer(topic, null);

                onMessage: function(message) {
                    // Handle messages here


        onConnectionFailed: function(errorCode, errorMessage) {
            // Handle server errors here, e.g.:
            alert("Server error: " + errorCode + " " + errorMessage);

Following is an example of a queue connection and message send:

    jms.ConnectionFactory.createConnection("http://my.push.server:8080/", "ActiveMQ", null, null, {
        onConnectionCreated: function(conn) {
                onException: function(exception) {
                    // Handle exceptions here

            var session = conn.createSession(false, "AUTO_ACK");
            var queue = session.createQueue("stocksQueue");
            var producer = session.createProducer(queue, null);

            var msg = session.createTextMessage("some text");


        onConnectionFailed: function(errorCode, errorMessage) {
            // Handle server errors here, e.g.:
            alert("Server error: " + errorCode + " " + errorMessage);

Please refer to JMS Extender documentation to learn more about the system architecture and how to configure and deploy it.