SDK for Generic Adapters CHANGELOG
1.8.2 build 104
Compatible with Adapter Remoting Infrastructure since 1.9.
Compatible with Remote Servers for the previous version.
Released on 24 Jan 2020

Modified the syntax of the response to MPI and DPI messages, to support initialization parameters provided by the Remote Adapter to the Proxy Adapter.
Also introduced an optional message, RAC, to be sent on all channels by a Remote Adapter, to enable Remote Adapter authentication, when configured on the Proxy Adapter.
See the ARI Protocol specifications for details on syntax and supported parameters.
COMPATIBILITY NOTE: Existing Remote Adapters based on protocol version 1.8.0 are not compliant with the new syntax, but they are guaranteed to be supported by any Proxy Adapter which supports a later version.

Added the ARI.version initialization parameter in all messages of type MPI and DPI, to report Proxy Adapter protocol information. Now the Remote Adapter must also specify its own protocol version in a ARI.version parameter in the newly introduced response messages to MPI and DPI. COMPATIBILITY NOTE: Existing Remote Adapters based on protocol version 1.8.0, still supported, will receive the additional ARI.version parameter upon MPI and DPI messages; this is not supposed to hurt the Adapter.

Added the optional keepalive_hint.millis initialization parameter in messages of type MPI and DPI, to indicate the suggested time for keepalive messages. COMPATIBILITY NOTE: Existing Remote Adapters based on protocol version 1.8.0, still supported, may receive the additional keepalive_hint.millis parameter upon MPI and DPI messages; this is not supposed to hurt the Adapter.

Improved the protocol specifications with regard to the keepalive messages.
Improved the protocol specifications with regard to line termination, where it could have been misleading.

1.8.0 build 84
Compatible with Adapter Remoting Infrastructure since 1.8.
Compatible with Remote Servers for the previous version.
Released on 28 Feb 2018

Added clarifications on licensing matters in the documentation.

1.8.0 build 77
Compatible with Adapter Remoting Infrastructure since 1.8.
May not be compatible with Remote Servers for the previous version; see compatibility notes below.
Released on 20 Dec 2017

Modified the protocol for the Remote Metadata Adapters in the part related to Mobile Push Notifications, after the full revision of Lightstreamer Server's MPN Module. In particular:

  • Modified the parameters of the "Notify MPN Device Access" (MDA) and "Notify MPN Device Token Change" (MDC) methods to add the session ID.
  • Wholly revised the syntax of the "Notify MPN Subscription Activation" (MSA) method; see the protocol documentation for details.
  • Revised the "Mobile Platform Type" data type, by removing all the values other than 'A' and 'G'; note that the removed values were just predisposed for future support.
COMPATIBILITY NOTE: Only if the MPN Module is enabled, existing Remote Metadata Adapters should be updated to support the new syntax.

Revised the documentation to comply with the configuration change introduced in ARI 1.8 about <sequentialize_table_notifications>.

Added missing notes on the constraints on error codes in Credits and Conflicting Session exception types.

Clarified in the documentation which race conditions between Notify Session Close and other methods can be expected.

Added notes in the documentation on the implication of the licensing policies.

1.7 build 68
Compatible with Adapter Remoting Infrastructure since 1.7.
Compatible with Remote Servers for the previous version.
Released on 13 Feb 2015

Fixed syntax errors in the examples of the MPI and DPI commands. The syntax specifications were unaffected.

1.7 build 66
Compatible with Adapter Remoting Infrastructure since 1.7.
Not compatible with Remote Servers for the previous version; see compatibility notes below.
Released on 21 Jan 2015

Introduced as a separate SDK to address the ARI Protocol, made available to custom Remote Servers for implementing the Adapter interface via TCP. For the history of the previous versions of the protocol, refer to the "Adapter Remoting Infrastructure" component, up to version 1.4.3.

Extended the protocol to introduce the possibility to provide Remote Servers with initialization parameters directly from the Proxy Adapter configuration. Hence, new "DPI" and "MPI" methods, for Data and Metadata Adapters respectively, have been added; they will be invoked on the request channel immediately after the connection and passed the new parameters (to be supplied as explained in the Adapter Remoting Infrastructure documentation). See the protocol documentation for details. COMPATIBILITY NOTE: Existing Remote Servers have to be extended in order to accept and answer the new request, otherwise the connection will fail. However, the previous behavior can be enforced on the Proxy Adapter by disabling the new request through the new "init_remote" configuration parameter of the Proxy Adapter.

Extended the protocol with requests related with the new Push Notification Service (aka MPN Module). When enabled, the new requests will be issued in order to validate client requests related with the service. See the Protocol documentation for details. COMPATIBILITY NOTE: existing Remote Servers don't need to be extended as long as the MPN Module is not enabled.

Introduced the "CLS" command on the Data Adapter notification channel for clearing the state of an item in a single step (or, in DISTINCT mode, for notifying compatible clients that the update history should be discarded). Refer to "clearSnapshot" in the Java In-Process Adapter SDK for details.

Clarified the protocol documentation with regard to the thread pools within Lightstreamer Server involved in the invocation of the various methods.