SDK for Java ME Clients CHANGELOG
3.2.2 build 157
Compatible with Lightstreamer Server since 6.0.
Compatible with code developed with the previous version.
Released on 20 Dec 2017

Aligned the documentation to comply with current licensing policies.

3.2.2 build 156
Compatible with Lightstreamer Server since 6.0.
Compatible with code developed with the previous version.
Released on 10 May 2016

Revised javadoc formatting style; also fixed links and missing fields in the javadocs.

3.2.2 build 155
Compatible with Lightstreamer Server since 6.0.
Compatible with code developed with the previous version.
Released on 21 Jan 2015

Fixed the documentation of the ExtendedTableInfo class, to clarify that item and field names in lists to be submitted to a LiteralBasedProvider or similar are not allowed to be null, empty or to contain spaces. Now, checks have been added when item and field names are supplied and an exception is thrown, if needed. COMPATIBILITY NOTE: Existing code is not expected to be using null or empty item/field names or item/field names containing spaces; in fact, in case it did, it would still have been subject to unexpected behaviours and exceptions.

Introduced the support for the new client identification mechanism.

Removed the examples, which are now only hosted on GitHub and managed through the new "demos" site. Provided suitable references to find the examples there.

3.2.1 build 150
Compatible with Lightstreamer Server since 5.0.
May not be compatible with code developed with the previous version; see compatibility notes below.
Released on 3 Aug 2012

Introduced the reverse heartbeat mechanism. Introduced the new LSClient.setReverseHeartbeatMillis method to configure it and LSClient.getReverseHeartbeatMillis to test it.

Changed the return type of the ConnectionProvider clone method from ConnectionProvider to Object. COMPATIBILITY NOTE: if a custom ConnectionProvider was implemented the return value of its clone method must be changed; on the other hand the implementation of the method does not need any change.

Regenerated the API documentation with the newest JDK default template.

3.1.1 build 146.4
Compatible with Lightstreamer Server since 4.1.
Compatible with code developed with the previous version.
Released on 9 Aug 2012

Introduced the setMaxFrequency and setFrequencyUnlimited methods, which allow for modification of the maximum frequency settings for currently subscribed items; unless in single connection mode, the changes will take place immediately, with no need for a resubscription.
Extended the sample code to demonstrate the use of the new methods.

3.1 build 146.2
Compatible with Lightstreamer Server since 4.0.
Compatible with code developed with the previous version.
Released on 6 Apr 2012

Changed the default for the setIdleTimeout method of the ConnectionPolicy class from 30000 to 19000 ms.

Fixed a bug that sometimes caused HandyTableListener instances to receive updates carrying the wrong old values.

3.1 build 145
Compatible with Lightstreamer Server since 4.0.
Released on 7 Jun 2011

Introduction of Lightstreamer "Duomo" release (Server 4.0).