Uses of Class
Packages that use MetadataException
Uses of MetadataException in com.lightstreamer.adapters.remote
Subclasses of MetadataException in com.lightstreamer.adapters.remoteModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Thrown by the Notify* methods in MetadataProvider if the supplied User is not recognized or a functionality is not implemented for this User.class
Thrown by the notifyNewSession method of MetadataProvider if a User is not enabled to open a new Session but he would be enabled as soon as another Session were closed.class
Thrown by the notify* methods in MetadataProvider if some functionality cannot be allowed to the supplied User.class
Thrown by the getItems and getSchema methods in MetadataProvider if the supplied Item Group name (or Item List specification) is not recognized or cannot be resolved.class
Thrown by the init method in MetadataProvider if there is some problem that prevents the correct behavior of the Metadata Adapter.class
Thrown by the notify* methods in MetadataProvider if there is some inconsistency in the supplied parameters.class
Can be thrown by theMetadataProvider.notifyUser(String, String, Map)
methods instead of a genericAccessException
if the User credentials cannot be validated because of a temporary lack of resources.class
Thrown by the getSchema method in MetadataProvider if the supplied Field Schema name (or Field List specification) is not recognized or cannot be resolved.