Uses of Class

Packages that use CreditsException
  • Uses of CreditsException in com.lightstreamer.adapters.remote

    Modifier and Type
    Thrown by the notifyNewSession method of MetadataProvider if a User is not enabled to open a new Session but he would be enabled as soon as another Session were closed.
    Modifier and Type
    MetadataProvider.notifyMpnDeviceAccess(String user, String sessionID, MpnDeviceInfo device)
    Called by Lightstreamer Kernel through the Remote Server to check that a User is enabled to access the specified MPN device.
    MetadataProviderAdapter.notifyMpnDeviceAccess(String user, String sessionID, MpnDeviceInfo device)
    Called by Lightstreamer Kernel through the Remote Server to check that a User is enabled to access the specified MPN device.
    MetadataProvider.notifyMpnDeviceTokenChange(String user, String sessionID, MpnDeviceInfo device, String newDeviceToken)
    Called by Lightstreamer Kernel through the Remote Server to check that a User is enabled to change the token of an MPN device.
    MetadataProviderAdapter.notifyMpnDeviceTokenChange(String user, String sessionID, MpnDeviceInfo device, String newDeviceToken)
    Called by Lightstreamer Kernel through the Remote Server to check that a User is enabled to change the token of a MPN device.
    MetadataProvider.notifyMpnSubscriptionActivation(String user, String sessionID, TableInfo table, MpnSubscriptionInfo mpnSubscription)
    Called by Lightstreamer Kernel through the Remote Server to check that a User is enabled to activate a Push Notification subscription.
    MetadataProviderAdapter.notifyMpnSubscriptionActivation(String user, String sessionID, TableInfo table, MpnSubscriptionInfo mpnSubscription)
    Called by Lightstreamer Kernel through the Remote Server to check that a User is enabled to activate a Push Notification subscription.
    MetadataProvider.notifyNewSession(String user, String sessionID, Map<String,String> clientContext)
    Called by Lightstreamer Kernel through the Remote Server to check that a User is enabled to open a new push Session.
    MetadataProviderAdapter.notifyNewSession(String user, String sessionID, Map<String,String> clientContext)
    Called by Lightstreamer Kernel through the Remote Server to check that a User is enabled to open a new push Session.
    MetadataProvider.notifyNewTables(String user, String sessionID, TableInfo[] tables)
    Called by Lightstreamer Kernel through the Remote Server to check that a User is enabled to add some Tables (i.e.: Subscriptions) to a push Session.
    MetadataProviderAdapter.notifyNewTables(String user, String sessionID, TableInfo[] tables)
    Called by Lightstreamer Kernel through the Remote Server to check that a User is enabled to add some Tables (i.e.: Subscriptions) to a push Session.
    MetadataProvider.notifyUser(String user, String password, Map<String,String> httpHeaders)
    Called by Lightstreamer Kernel through the Remote Server as a preliminary check that a user is enabled to make Requests to the related Data Providers.
    MetadataProvider.notifyUser(String user, String password, Map<String,String> httpHeaders, String clientPrincipal)
    Called by Lightstreamer Kernel, through the Remote Server, instead of calling the 3-arguments version, in case the Server has been instructed to acquire the client principal from the client TLS/SSL certificate through the <use_client_auth> configuration flag.
    MetadataProviderAdapter.notifyUser(String user, String password, Map<String,String> httpHeaders)
    Called by Lightstreamer Kernel through the Remote Server as a preliminary check that a user is enabled to make Requests to the related Data Providers.
    MetadataProviderAdapter.notifyUser(String user, String password, Map<String,String> httpHeaders, String clientPrincipal)
    Extended version of the User authentication method, invoked by the Server, through the Remote Server, in case the Server has been instructed (through the <use_client_auth> configuration flag) to acquire the client principal from the client TLS/SSL certificate, if available.
    MetadataProvider.notifyUserMessage(String user, String sessionID, String message)
    Called by Lightstreamer Kernel through the Remote Server to forward a message received by a User.
    MetadataProviderAdapter.notifyUserMessage(String user, String sessionID, String message)
    Called by Lightstreamer Kernel through the Remote Server to forward a message received by a User.