Lightstreamer WinRT Client 1.0.2
PushServerException Members

The following tables list the members exposed by PushServerException.

Indicates that an update has been received with an unexpected number of field values.  
Indicates that an update has been received with an unexpected item number.  
Indicates that a request to change subscription constraints has been refused because a maximum frequency was specified for an unfiltered subscription.  
Indicates that a message outcome has been received with an unexpected message sequence/number. 
Indicates an empty output from the Server. 
Indicates a Server answer not consistent with the requests. 
Indicates that an attempt to reconnect to a session has not received any answer for longer than a configurable timeout time.  
Indicates that a request has been unexpectedly refused by the Server.  
Indicates that the Server has not sent data updates or probes on the connection for longer than a configurable timeout time.  
Indicates that the connection content length has been consumed but the binding to the same session with a new connection has failed.  
Indicates an illegal output from the Server. 
Indicates that an update has been received with an unexpected table number.  
Indicates that the Server connection ended in the handshaking phase. 
Indicates an unexpected exception in the client. 
This is the overview for the PushServerException constructor overload. 
Readonly. Specifies the detailed error code, to support automatic recovery actions. The code is chosen among the constants defined in the class.  
Inherited from the Exception base class. Gets the Exception instance that caused the current exception.  
Inherited from the Exception base class. Gets a message that describes the current exception.  
Inherited from the Exception base class. Gets a string representation of the frames on the call stack at the time the current exception was thrown.