Lightstreamer WinRT Client 1.0.2
ISendMessageListener.OnAbort Method

Notification that the outcome of a sent message will not be received. Typically, this happens when the session is being closed. In this case, the client has no way of knowing the processing outcome and any outcome is possible.

void OnAbort(MessageInfo originalMessage, int prog, Exception problem);
void OnAbort(MessageInfo originalMessage, int prog, Exception problem);
Visual Basic
Function OnAbort(originalMessage As MessageInfo, prog As Integer, problem As Exception) As void
MessageInfo originalMessage 
originalMessage the original message sent to the server as it was supplied to the LSClient.SendMessage method. 
int prog 
the progressive number associated to the message as it was returned by the LSClient.SendMessage method. 
Exception problem 
the reason that made the request to be aborted, it may be null.