Lightstreamer WinRT Client 1.0.2
LSClient.ChangeSubscriptions Method

Dynamically changes subscription parameters on a set of tables previously subscribed to the Server. The request is sent to the Server in a single connection. For each table, the new parameters override the ones requested with the subscription operation or the last call to this method. No notification to the table listeners is available for this operation. 

The server may refuse to apply certain constraints under specific conditions, for example when changing the max frequency of an unfiltered subscription. In these cases a PushServerException will be raised. 

The method is blocking; it returns only after receiving the Server answer upon the request submission. This kind of request is not included in a batch. 


public: void ChangeSubscriptions(SubscribedTableKey[] tableKeys, SubscriptionConstraints constraints);
public virtual void ChangeSubscriptions(SubscribedTableKey[] tableKeys, SubscriptionConstraints constraints);
Visual Basic
Public virtual Function ChangeSubscriptions(tableKeys As SubscribedTableKey[], constraints As SubscriptionConstraints) As void
SubscribedTableKey[] tableKeys 
Array of handles to tables as returned by one or more subscribe* calls.  
SubscriptionConstraints constraints 
Collects available constraints. It should not be null.  
if the connection has already been closed; this may not be a problem from the client's point of view. 
in case of connection problems. In this case, the request may or may not have been fulfilled by the Server. 
in case the Server refuses the request. Note that if changing the max frequency and any of the involved tables has been subscribed to as unfiltered, the whole request will be refused. Including any tables already unsubscribed from the Server may also cause this exception; in this case, the request may have been partially fulfilled.