Lightstreamer WinRT Client 1.0.2
Base class for all exceptions directly thrown by library methods.  
Collects the constraints to be applied on the overall data flow from the Connection. They can only be used in order to restrict the constraints set by Lightstreamer Server Metadata Adapter.
Currently, only a constraint on the bandwidth is supported.
Collects the parameters related to a connection request to Lightstreamer server.  
Contains the specification of a table to be subscribed to Lightstreamer Server. All the items and fields in the table are supplied. Group and Schema names to be sent to the Server are made by space separated concatenations of item and field names. This name convention is suitable for a Metadata Adapter derived from LiteralBasedProvider or equivalent to it.  
Encapsulates a single connector to Lightstreamer Server. 
Using .NET for windows store apps the StreamReader has no Close method. As per documentation ( the Dispose method has to be used. Unfortunately such Dispose method can't be overridden, so we wrap the StreamReader class to offer the possibility to override the Close/Dispose method (see MyStreamReader in BatchingHttpProvider). 
A message object that will be sent to a Lightstreamer Server through a call to LSClient.SendMessage The class contains the message string, the sequence to which such message is associated and a timeout to wait before the server declares lost the previous message in sequence.  
Thrown when the connection to Lightstreamer Server cannot be established or in case of abnormal connection termination. It can be received both in a synchronous and an asynchronous way.  
Thrown in case of an unexpected answer or error condition received from Lightstreamer Server. A detailed error code is supplied, to support automatic recovery actions. It can be received both in a synchronous and an asynchronous way. In normal operation, this exception should never be received.  
Thrown in case the Server refuses to satisfy a request because of the constraints imposed by the Metadata Adapter or by Server configuration. A detailed error code is supplied. Both the error code and the message are received from the Server. In particular:
- A positive error code is issued by the Server after checking the request against the constraints imposed by the Metadata Adapter or by its own configuration. See the text protocol documentation for a reference of the error codes that can be issued in response to the operation performed (i.e. stream/poll, subscription, or synchronous sendMessage request).
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Contains the specification of a table to be subscribed to Lightstreamer Server.  
Thrown if a subscription or unsubscription specification is not correct or the request cannot be executed for some reason. 
Key object to be used to unsubscribe tables. 
Collects constraints to be applied on a subscription, to change the currently set parameters for all the involved items. They can only be used in order to restrict the constraints set by Lightstreamer Server Metadata Adapter.
Currently, only a constraint on the maximum update frequency is supported.