Lightstreamer WinRT Client 1.0.2
ExtendedTableInfo Members Public Properties
Public Properties
The name of the Data Adapter (within the Adapter Set used by the current session) that supplies all the items in the Group. If not specified, the "DEFAULT" name is used. A null value is also equivalent to the "DEFAULT" name.
The Data Adapter name is configured on the server side through the "name" attribute of the "data_provider" element, in the "adapters.xml" file which defines the Adapter Set (a missing attribute configures the "DEFAULT" name).
Note: If more than one Data Adapter is needed to supply all the items in a set of items, then it is not possible... more 
Readonly. The Array of fields contained in this table. A copy of the immutable stored array is provided.  
Readonly. The name of the Group of items contained in this table, as specified to the Server. This Group name is made of a space separated list of the names of the specified items.  
Readonly. The Array of items contained in this table. A copy of the immutable stored array is provided.  
Readonly. The subscription mode for the items contained in this table.  
The position of the last item in the Group to be considered; use SetRange to set the constraint. The value is a positive Index, or 0 if no constraint is set.
The propery is readonly. Use SetRange to change the value.
The position of the first item in the Group to be considered; use SetRange to set the constraint. The value is a positive Index, or 0 if no constraint is set.
The propery is readonly. Use SetRange to change the value.
The requested size for the Server ItemEventBuffer for all the items in the table; a 0 value stands for an unlimited buffer while a -1 value stands for an unspecified limit. If not specified, a 1 element buffer is meant if mode is MERGE and an unlimited buffer is meant if mode is DISTINCT. However, the real Server buffer size can be limited by the Metadata Adapter. The buffer size can be specified only for MERGE and DISTINCT Items mode. It is ignored if RequestedUnfilteredDispatching() is also set.  
The requested length for the snapshot to be received for all the items in the table; a 0 value stands for an unspecified length. If not specified, the snapshot length will be determined by the Server. The snapshot length can be specified only for DISTINCT Items mode.  
The maximum update frequency for all the items in the table; a 0 value stands for an unspecified limit. If not specified, an unlimited frequency is meant. It can only be used in order to lower the frequency granted by the Metadata Adapter. The update frequency can be specified only for MERGE, DISTINCT and COMMAND Items mode; in the latter case, the frequency limit only applies to consecutive UPDATE events for the same key value. It is ignored if RequestedUnfilteredDispatching() is also set.
Edition Note: A further global frequency limit is also imposed by the Server, if it... more 
Indicates whether or not events for the items in the table are dispatched in an unfiltered way. This setting is stronger than the setting of the maximum update frequency and can lead to the subscription refusal by the Metadata Adapter. It is also stronger than the setting for the buffer size. The unfiltered dispatching can be specified only for MERGE, DISTINCT and COMMAND subscription modes.  
Readonly. The name of the Schema of fields used in this table, as specified to the Server. This Schema name is made of a space separated list of the names of the specified fields.  
The name of an optional selector to be applied by the Server to the updates pertaining to all the Items in the Group. The name of a Selector will be interpreted by the Metadata Adapter.  
Readonly. Indicates whether or not the snapshot is being asked for the items contained in this table.