Aligned the documentation to comply with current licensing policies.
Aligned the documentation to comply with current licensing policies.
Fixed the documentation of the Table classes, to clarify that item and field names in lists to be submitted to a LiteralBasedProvider or similar are not allowed to be null, empty or to contain spaces. Now, checks have been added when item and field names are supplied and an exception is thrown, if needed. COMPATIBILITY NOTE: Existing code is not expected to be using null or empty item/field names or item/field names containing spaces; in fact, in case it did, it would still have been subject to unexpected behaviours and exceptions.
Introduced the support for the new client identification mechanism.
Removed the examples, which are now only hosted on GitHub and managed through the new "demos" site. Provided suitable references to find the examples there.
Fixed a bug in the protocol layer regarding the interpretation of some kind of ERROR messages. In case one of such error messages was received the Client was unable to forward them to the application layer.
Used Flex 4 SDK to build the SDK library.
Improved the layout of the included examples.
Clarified the license terms for the included example source code.
Fixed a bug in the management of non-ascii and control characters in field values; for particular values, the bug could also cause nearby characters to be affected.
Dropped the support for Flex 3. Flex 4 or later is now required. COMPATIBILITY NOTE: existing clients compiled against Flex 3 have to be ported to Flex 4 or higher version.
Improved the robustness in case of connection problems.
Introduction of Lightstreamer "Duomo" release (Server 4.0).