getRealMaxBandwidth method

String? getRealMaxBandwidth()

Inquiry method that gets the maximum bandwidth that can be consumed for the data coming from Lightstreamer Server.

This is the actual maximum bandwidth, in contrast with the requested maximum bandwidth, returned by getRequestedMaxBandwidth.
The value may differ from the requested one because of restrictions operated on the server side, or because bandwidth management is not supported (in this case it is always "unlimited"), but also because of number rounding.

Lifecycle If a connection to Lightstreamer Server is not currently active, null is returned; soon after the connection is established, the value will become available.

Notification A change to this setting will be notified through a call to ClientListener.onPropertyChange with argument "realMaxBandwidth" on any ClientListener listening to the related LightstreamerClient.

Returns A decimal number, which represents the maximum bandwidth applied by the Server for the streaming or polling connection expressed in kbps (kilobits/sec), or the string "unlimited", or null.


String? getRealMaxBandwidth() {
  return _realMaxBandwidth;