setSessionRecoveryTimeout method
- int newVal
Setter method that sets the maximum time allowed for attempts to recover the current session upon an interruption, after which a new session will be created.
If the given value (expressed in milliseconds) equals 0, then any attempt
to recover the current session will be prevented in the first place.
In fact, in an attempt to recover the current session, the client will
periodically try to access the Server at the address related with the current
session. In some cases, this timeout, by enforcing a fresh connection attempt,
may prevent an infinite sequence of unsuccessful attempts to access the Server.
Note that, when the Server is reached, the recovery may fail due to a
Server side timeout on the retention of the session and the updates sent.
In that case, a new session will be created anyway.
A setting smaller than the Server timeouts may prevent such useless failures,
but, if too small, it may also prevent successful recovery in some cases.
Default 15000 (15 seconds).
Lifecycle This value can be set and changed at any time.
Notification A change to this setting will be notified through a call to ClientListener.onPropertyChange with argument "sessionRecoveryTimeout" on any ClientListener listening to the related LightstreamerClient.
The maximum time allowed for recovery attempts, expressed in milliseconds, including 0.
Throws IllegalArgumentException if a negative value is passed.
void setSessionRecoveryTimeout(int newVal) {
_sessionRecoveryTimeout = newVal;