getStatus method
Inquiry method that gets the current client status and transport (when applicable).
Returns The current client status. It can be one of the following values:
- "CONNECTING" the client is waiting for a Server's response in order to establish a connection;
- "CONNECTED:STREAM-SENSING" the client has received a preliminary response from the server and is currently verifying if a streaming connection is possible;
- "CONNECTED:WS-STREAMING" a streaming connection over WebSocket is active;
- "CONNECTED:HTTP-STREAMING" a streaming connection over HTTP is active;
- "CONNECTED:WS-POLLING" a polling connection over WebSocket is in progress;
- "CONNECTED:HTTP-POLLING" a polling connection over HTTP is in progress;
- "STALLED" the Server has not been sending data on an active streaming connection for longer than a configured time;
- "DISCONNECTED:WILL-RETRY" no connection is currently active but one will be opened (possibly after a timeout);
- "DISCONNECTED:TRYING-RECOVERY" no connection is currently active, but one will be opened as soon as possible, as an attempt to recover the current session after a connection issue;
- "DISCONNECTED" no connection is currently active.
Future<String> getStatus() async {
return await _invokeMethod('getStatus');