ConnectionOptionsExt extension
→ int
Inquiry method that gets the length expressed in bytes to be used by the Server for the response body on a HTTP stream connection.
→ int
Inquiry method that gets the maximum time to wait before trying a new connection to the Server in case the previous one is unexpectedly closed while correctly working.
→ String?
Inquiry method that gets the value of the forced transport (if any).
Inquiry method that gets the Map object containing the extra headers to be sent to the server.
→ int
Inquiry method that gets the maximum time the Server is allowed to wait for any data to be sent in response to a polling request, if none has accumulated at request time.
→ int
Inquiry method that gets the interval between two keepalive packets sent by Lightstreamer Server on a stream connection when no actual data is being transmitted.
→ int
Inquiry method that gets the polling interval used for polling connections.
→ String?
Inquiry method that gets the maximum bandwidth that can be consumed for the data coming from Lightstreamer Server.
→ int
Inquiry method that gets the time the client, after entering "STALLED" status,
is allowed to keep waiting for a keepalive packet or any data on a stream connection,
before disconnecting and trying to reconnect to the Server.
→ String
Inquiry method that gets the maximum bandwidth that can be consumed for the data coming from Lightstreamer Server, as requested for this session.
→ int
Inquiry method that gets the minimum time to wait before trying a new connection
to the Server in case the previous one failed for any reason, which is also the maximum time to wait for a response to a request before dropping the connection and trying with a different approach.
→ int
Inquiry method that gets the reverse-heartbeat interval expressed in milliseconds.
→ int
Inquiry method that gets the maximum time allowed for attempts to recover
the current session upon an interruption, after which a new session will be created.
→ int
Inquiry method that gets the extra time the client can wait when an expected keepalive packet has not been received on a stream connection (and no actual data has arrived), before entering the "STALLED" status.
→ bool
Inquiry method that checks if the client is going to connect only if it
can guarantee that cookies pertaining to the server will be sent.
Inquiry method that checks if the restriction on the forwarding of the configured extra http headers applies or not.
→ bool
Inquiry method that checks if the client is going to ignore the server instance address that will possibly be sent by the server.
→ bool
Inquiry method that checks if the slowing algorithm is enabled or not.
setContentLength(int newVal)
→ void
Setter method that sets the length in bytes to be used by the Server for the response body on a stream connection (a minimum length, however, is ensured by the server).
setCookieHandlingRequired(bool cookieHandlingRequired)
→ void
Setter method that enables/disables the cookies-are-required policy on the
client side.
setFirstRetryMaxDelay(int newVal)
→ void
Setter method that sets the maximum time to wait before trying a new connection to the Server in case the previous one is unexpectedly closed while correctly working.
setForcedTransport(String? newVal)
→ void
Setter method that can be used to disable/enable the Stream-Sense algorithm and to force the client to use a fixed transport or a fixed combination of a transport and a connection type.
Setter method that enables/disables the setting of extra HTTP headers to all the request performed to the Lightstreamer server by the client.
Setter method that enables/disables a restriction on the forwarding of the extra http headers specified through setHttpExtraHeaders.
setIdleTimeout(int newVal)
→ void
Setter method that sets the maximum time the Server is allowed to wait for any data to be sent in response to a polling request, if none has accumulated at request time.
setKeepaliveInterval(int newVal)
→ void
Setter method that sets the interval between two keepalive packets to be sent by Lightstreamer Server on a stream connection when no actual data is being transmitted.
setPollingInterval(int newVal)
→ void
Setter method that sets the polling interval used for polling connections.
setReconnectTimeout(int newVal)
→ void
Setter method that sets the time the client, after entering "STALLED" status,
is allowed to keep waiting for a keepalive packet or any data on a stream connection,
before disconnecting and trying to reconnect to the Server.
setRequestedMaxBandwidth(String newVal)
→ void
Setter method that sets the maximum bandwidth expressed in kilobits/s that can be consumed for the data coming from Lightstreamer Server.
setRetryDelay(int newVal)
→ void
Setter method that sets
setReverseHeartbeatInterval(int newVal)
→ void
Setter method that enables/disables the reverse-heartbeat mechanism by setting the
heartbeat interval.
setServerInstanceAddressIgnored(bool newVal)
→ void
Setter method that can be used to disable/enable the automatic handling of server instance address that may be returned by the Lightstreamer server during session creation.
setSessionRecoveryTimeout(int newVal)
→ void
Setter method that sets the maximum time allowed for attempts to recover
the current session upon an interruption, after which a new session will be created.
setSlowingEnabled(bool newVal)
→ void
Setter method that turns on or off the slowing algorithm.
setStalledTimeout(int newVal)
→ void
Setter method that sets the extra time the client is allowed to wait when an expected keepalive packet has not been received on a stream connection (and no actual data has arrived), before entering the "STALLED" status.