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addCookies(URI, List<HttpCookie>) - Static method in class com.lightstreamer.client.LightstreamerClient
Static method that can be used to share cookies between connections to the Server (performed by this library) and connections to other sites that are performed by the application.
addListener(ClientListener) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.LightstreamerClient
Adds a listener that will receive events from the LightstreamerClient instance.
addListener(SubscriptionListener) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.Subscription
Adds a listener that will receive events from the Subscription instance.


ClientListener - Interface in com.lightstreamer.client
Interface to be implemented to listen to LightstreamerClient events comprehending notifications of connection activity and errors.
ClientMessageListener - Interface in com.lightstreamer.client
Interface to be implemented to listen to LightstreamerClient.sendMessage(java.lang.String) events reporting a message processing outcome.
com.lightstreamer.client - package com.lightstreamer.client
com.lightstreamer.log - package com.lightstreamer.log
Compatibility - Search tag in Overview
connect() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.LightstreamerClient
Operation method that requests to open a Session against the configured Lightstreamer Server.
connectionDetails - Variable in class com.lightstreamer.client.LightstreamerClient
Data object that contains the details needed to open a connection to a Lightstreamer Server.
ConnectionDetails - Class in com.lightstreamer.client
Used by LightstreamerClient to provide a basic connection properties data object.
connectionOptions - Variable in class com.lightstreamer.client.LightstreamerClient
Data object that contains options and policies for the connection to the server.
ConnectionOptions - Class in com.lightstreamer.client
Used by LightstreamerClient to provide an extra connection properties data object.
ConsoleLoggerProvider - Class in com.lightstreamer.log
Simple concrete logging provider that logs on the system console.
ConsoleLoggerProvider(int) - Constructor for class com.lightstreamer.log.ConsoleLoggerProvider
Creates an instance of the concrete system console logger.
ConsoleLogLevel - Class in com.lightstreamer.log
Logging level.


debug(String, Throwable) - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.log.Logger
Receives log messages at Debug level and a related exception.
DEBUG - Static variable in class com.lightstreamer.log.ConsoleLogLevel
Debug logging level.
disconnect() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.LightstreamerClient
Operation method that requests to close the Session opened against the configured Lightstreamer Server (if any).
disconnectFuture() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.LightstreamerClient
Works just like LightstreamerClient.disconnect(), but also returns a Future which is notified when all involved threads started by all LightstreamerClient instances living in the JVM have been terminated, because no more activities need to be managed and hence event dispatching is no longer necessary.
Documentation - Search tag in Overview


equals(Object) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.Proxy
error(String, Throwable) - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.log.Logger
Receives log messages at Error level and a related exception.
ERROR - Static variable in class com.lightstreamer.log.ConsoleLogLevel
Error logging level.


fatal(String, Throwable) - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.log.Logger
Receives log messages at Fatal level and a related exception.
FATAL - Static variable in class com.lightstreamer.log.ConsoleLogLevel
Fatal logging level.


getAdapterSet() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.ConnectionDetails
Inquiry method that gets the name of the Adapter Set (which defines the Metadata Adapter and one or several Data Adapters) mounted on Lightstreamer Server that supply all the items used in this application.
getChangedFields() - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.client.ItemUpdate
Returns an immutable Map containing the values for each field changed with the last server update.
getChangedFieldsByPosition() - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.client.ItemUpdate
Returns an immutable Map containing the values for each field changed with the last server update.
getClientIp() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.ConnectionDetails
Inquiry method that gets the IP address of this client as seen by the Server which is serving the current session as the client remote address (note that it may not correspond to the client host; for instance it may refer to an intermediate proxy).
getCommandPosition() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.Subscription
Returns the position of the "command" field in a COMMAND Subscription.
getCommandSecondLevelDataAdapter() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.Subscription
Inquiry method that can be used to read the second-level Data Adapter name configured through Subscription.setCommandSecondLevelDataAdapter(String).
getCommandSecondLevelFields() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.Subscription
Inquiry method that can be used to read the "Field List" specified for second-level Subscriptions.
getCommandSecondLevelFieldSchema() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.Subscription
Inquiry method that can be used to read the "Field Schema" specified for second-level Subscriptions.
getCommandValue(int, String, int) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.Subscription
Returns the latest value received for the specified item/key/field combination.
getCommandValue(int, String, String) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.Subscription
Returns the latest value received for the specified item/key/field combination.
getCommandValue(String, String, int) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.Subscription
Returns the latest value received for the specified item/key/field combination.
getCommandValue(String, String, String) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.Subscription
Returns the latest value received for the specified item/key/field combination.
getContentLength() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.ConnectionOptions
Inquiry method that gets the length expressed in bytes to be used by the Server for the response body on a HTTP stream connection.
getCookies(URI) - Static method in class com.lightstreamer.client.LightstreamerClient
Static inquiry method that can be used to share cookies between connections to the Server (performed by this library) and connections to other sites that are performed by the application.
getDataAdapter() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.Subscription
Inquiry method that can be used to read the name of the Data Adapter specified for this Subscription through Subscription.setDataAdapter(String).
getFields() - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.client.ItemUpdate
Returns an immutable Map containing the values for each field in the Subscription.
getFields() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.Subscription
Inquiry method that can be used to read the "Field List" specified for this Subscription.
getFieldsByPosition() - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.client.ItemUpdate
Returns an immutable Map containing the values for each field in the Subscription.
getFieldSchema() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.Subscription
Inquiry method that can be used to read the field schema specified for this Subscription.
getFirstRetryMaxDelay() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.ConnectionOptions
Inquiry method that gets the maximum time to wait before trying a new connection to the Server in case the previous one is unexpectedly closed while correctly working.
getForcedTransport() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.ConnectionOptions
Inquiry method that gets the value of the forced transport (if any).
getHttpExtraHeaders() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.ConnectionOptions
Inquiry method that gets the Map object containing the extra headers to be sent to the server.
getIdleTimeout() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.ConnectionOptions
Inquiry method that gets the maximum time the Server is allowed to wait for any data to be sent in response to a polling request, if none has accumulated at request time.
getItemGroup() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.Subscription
Inquiry method that can be used to read the item group specified for this Subscription.
getItemName() - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.client.ItemUpdate
Inquiry method that retrieves the name of the item to which this update pertains.
getItemPos() - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.client.ItemUpdate
Inquiry method that retrieves the position in the "Item List" or "Item Group" of the item to which this update pertains.
getItems() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.Subscription
Inquiry method that can be used to read the "Item List" specified for this Subscription.
getKeepaliveInterval() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.ConnectionOptions
Inquiry method that gets the interval between two keepalive packets sent by Lightstreamer Server on a stream connection when no actual data is being transmitted.
getKeyPosition() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.Subscription
Returns the position of the "key" field in a COMMAND Subscription.
getListeners() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.LightstreamerClient
Returns a list containing the ClientListener instances that were added to this client.
getListeners() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.Subscription
Returns a list containing the SubscriptionListener instances that were added to this client.
getLogger(String) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.log.ConsoleLoggerProvider
getLogger(String) - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.log.LoggerProvider
Request for a Logger instance that will be used for logging occurring on the given category.
getMode() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.Subscription
Inquiry method that can be used to read the mode specified for this Subscription.
getPollingInterval() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.ConnectionOptions
Inquiry method that gets the polling interval used for polling connections.
getRealMaxBandwidth() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.ConnectionOptions
Inquiry method that gets the maximum bandwidth that can be consumed for the data coming from Lightstreamer Server.
getReconnectTimeout() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.ConnectionOptions
Inquiry method that gets the time the client, after entering "STALLED" status, is allowed to keep waiting for a keepalive packet or any data on a stream connection, before disconnecting and trying to reconnect to the Server.
getRequestedBufferSize() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.Subscription
Inquiry method that can be used to read the buffer size, configured though Subscription.setRequestedBufferSize(java.lang.String), to be requested to the Server for this Subscription.
getRequestedMaxBandwidth() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.ConnectionOptions
Inquiry method that gets the maximum bandwidth that can be consumed for the data coming from Lightstreamer Server, as requested for this session.
getRequestedMaxFrequency() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.Subscription
Inquiry method that can be used to read the max frequency, configured through Subscription.setRequestedMaxFrequency(String), to be requested to the Server for this Subscription.
getRequestedSnapshot() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.Subscription
Inquiry method that can be used to read the snapshot preferences, configured through Subscription.setRequestedSnapshot(String), to be requested to the Server for this Subscription.
getRetryDelay() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.ConnectionOptions
Inquiry method that gets the minimum time to wait before trying a new connection to the Server in case the previous one failed for any reason, which is also the maximum time to wait for a response to a request before dropping the connection and trying with a different approach.
getReverseHeartbeatInterval() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.ConnectionOptions
Inquiry method that gets the reverse-heartbeat interval expressed in milliseconds.
getSelector() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.Subscription
Inquiry method that can be used to read the selector name specified for this Subscription through Subscription.setSelector(String).
getServerAddress() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.ConnectionDetails
Inquiry method that gets the configured address of Lightstreamer Server.
getServerInstanceAddress() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.ConnectionDetails
Inquiry method that gets the server address to be used to issue all requests related to the current session.
getServerSocketName() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.ConnectionDetails
Inquiry method that gets the instance name of the Server which is serving the current session.
getSessionId() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.ConnectionDetails
Inquiry method that gets the ID associated by the server to this client session.
getSessionRecoveryTimeout() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.ConnectionOptions
Inquiry method that gets the maximum time allowed for attempts to recover the current session upon an interruption, after which a new session will be created.
getStalledTimeout() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.ConnectionOptions
Inquiry method that gets the extra time the client can wait when an expected keepalive packet has not been received on a stream connection (and no actual data has arrived), before entering the "STALLED" status.
getStatus() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.LightstreamerClient
Inquiry method that gets the current client status and transport (when applicable).
getSubscriptions() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.LightstreamerClient
Inquiry method that returns a list containing all the Subscription instances that are currently "active" on this LightstreamerClient.
getUser() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.ConnectionDetails
Inquiry method that gets the username to be used for the authentication on Lightstreamer Server when initiating the session.
getValue(int) - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.client.ItemUpdate
Returns the current value for the specified field
getValue(int, int) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.Subscription
Returns the latest value received for the specified item/field pair.
getValue(int, String) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.Subscription
Returns the latest value received for the specified item/field pair.
getValue(String) - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.client.ItemUpdate
Returns the current value for the specified field
getValue(String, int) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.Subscription
Returns the latest value received for the specified item/field pair.
getValue(String, String) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.Subscription
Returns the latest value received for the specified item/field pair.
getValueAsJSONPatchIfAvailable(int) - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.client.ItemUpdate
Inquiry method that gets the difference between the new value and the previous one as a JSON Patch structure, provided that the Server has used the JSON Patch format to send this difference, as part of the "delta delivery" mechanism.
getValueAsJSONPatchIfAvailable(String) - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.client.ItemUpdate
Inquiry method that gets the difference between the new value and the previous one as a JSON Patch structure, provided that the Server has used the JSON Patch format to send this difference, as part of the "delta delivery" mechanism.


hashCode() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.Proxy


info(String, Throwable) - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.log.Logger
Receives log messages at Info level and a related exception.
INFO - Static variable in class com.lightstreamer.log.ConsoleLogLevel
Info logging level.
Installing - Search tag in Overview
Introduction - Search tag in Overview
isActive() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.Subscription
Inquiry method that checks if the Subscription is currently "active" or not.
isDebugEnabled() - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.log.Logger
Checks if this logger is enabled for the Debug level.
isErrorEnabled() - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.log.Logger
Checks if this logger is enabled for the Error level.
isFatalEnabled() - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.log.Logger
Checks if this logger is enabled for the Fatal level.
isHttpExtraHeadersOnSessionCreationOnly() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.ConnectionOptions
Inquiry method that checks if the restriction on the forwarding of the configured extra http headers applies or not.
isInfoEnabled() - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.log.Logger
Checks if this logger is enabled for the Info level.
isServerInstanceAddressIgnored() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.ConnectionOptions
Inquiry method that checks if the client is going to ignore the server instance address that will possibly be sent by the server.
isSlowingEnabled() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.ConnectionOptions
Inquiry method that checks if the slowing algorithm is enabled or not.
isSnapshot() - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.client.ItemUpdate
Inquiry method that asks whether the current update belongs to the item snapshot (which carries the current item state at the time of Subscription).
isSubscribed() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.Subscription
Inquiry method that checks if the Subscription is currently subscribed to through the server or not.
isTraceEnabled() - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.log.Logger
Checks if this logger is enabled for the Trace level.
isValueChanged(int) - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.client.ItemUpdate
Inquiry method that asks whether the value for a field has changed after the reception of the last update from the Server for an item.
isValueChanged(String) - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.client.ItemUpdate
Inquiry method that asks whether the value for a field has changed after the reception of the last update from the Server for an item.
isWarnEnabled() - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.log.Logger
Checks if this logger is enabled for the Warn level.
ItemUpdate - Interface in com.lightstreamer.client
Contains all the information related to an update of the field values for an item.


LIB_NAME - Static variable in class com.lightstreamer.client.LightstreamerClient
A constant string representing the name of the library.
LIB_VERSION - Static variable in class com.lightstreamer.client.LightstreamerClient
A constant string representing the version of the library.
License - Search tag in Overview
LightstreamerClient - Class in com.lightstreamer.client
Facade class for the management of the communication to Lightstreamer Server.
LightstreamerClient(String, String) - Constructor for class com.lightstreamer.client.LightstreamerClient
Creates an object to be configured to connect to a Lightstreamer server and to handle all the communications with it.
Logger - Interface in com.lightstreamer.log
Interface to be implemented to consume log from the library.
LoggerProvider - Interface in com.lightstreamer.log
Simple interface to be implemented to provide custom log consumers to the library.
Logging - Search tag in Overview


onAbort(String, boolean) - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.client.ClientMessageListener
Event handler that is called by Lightstreamer when any notifications of the processing outcome of the related message haven't been received yet and can no longer be received.
onClearSnapshot(String, int) - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.client.SubscriptionListener
Event handler that is called by Lightstreamer each time a request to clear the snapshot pertaining to an item in the Subscription has been received from the Server.
onCommandSecondLevelItemLostUpdates(int, String) - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.client.SubscriptionListener
Event handler that is called by Lightstreamer to notify that, due to internal resource limitations, Lightstreamer Server dropped one or more updates for an item that was subscribed to as a second-level subscription.
onCommandSecondLevelSubscriptionError(int, String, String) - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.client.SubscriptionListener
Event handler that is called when the Server notifies an error on a second-level subscription.
onDeny(String, int, String) - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.client.ClientMessageListener
Event handler that is called by Lightstreamer when the related message has been processed by the Server but the expected processing outcome could not be achieved for any reason.
onDiscarded(String) - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.client.ClientMessageListener
Event handler that is called by Lightstreamer to notify that the related message has been discarded by the Server.
onEndOfSnapshot(String, int) - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.client.SubscriptionListener
Event handler that is called by Lightstreamer to notify that all snapshot events for an item in the Subscription have been received, so that real time events are now going to be received.
onError(String) - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.client.ClientMessageListener
Event handler that is called by Lightstreamer when the related message has been processed by the Server but the processing has failed for any reason.
onItemLostUpdates(String, int, int) - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.client.SubscriptionListener
Event handler that is called by Lightstreamer to notify that, due to internal resource limitations, Lightstreamer Server dropped one or more updates for an item in the Subscription.
onItemUpdate(ItemUpdate) - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.client.SubscriptionListener
Event handler that is called by Lightstreamer each time an update pertaining to an item in the Subscription has been received from the Server.
onListenEnd() - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.client.ClientListener
Event handler that receives a notification when the ClientListener instance is removed from a LightstreamerClient through LightstreamerClient.removeListener(ClientListener).
onListenEnd() - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.client.SubscriptionListener
Event handler that receives a notification when the SubscriptionListener instance is removed from a Subscription through Subscription.removeListener(SubscriptionListener).
onListenStart() - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.client.ClientListener
Event handler that receives a notification when the ClientListener instance is added to a LightstreamerClient through LightstreamerClient.addListener(ClientListener).
onListenStart() - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.client.SubscriptionListener
Event handler that receives a notification when the SubscriptionListener instance is added to a Subscription through Subscription.addListener(SubscriptionListener).
onProcessed(String, String) - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.client.ClientMessageListener
Event handler that is called by Lightstreamer when the related message has been processed by the Server with success.
onPropertyChange(String) - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.client.ClientListener
Event handler that receives a notification each time the value of a property of LightstreamerClient.connectionDetails or LightstreamerClient.connectionOptions is changed.
onRealMaxFrequency(String) - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.client.SubscriptionListener
Event handler that is called by Lightstreamer to notify the client with the real maximum update frequency of the Subscription.
onServerError(int, String) - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.client.ClientListener
Event handler that is called when the Server notifies a refusal on the client attempt to open a new connection or the interruption of a streaming connection.
onStatusChange(String) - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.client.ClientListener
Event handler that receives a notification each time the LightstreamerClient status has changed.
onSubscription() - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.client.SubscriptionListener
Event handler that is called by Lightstreamer to notify that a Subscription has been successfully subscribed to through the Server.
onSubscriptionError(int, String) - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.client.SubscriptionListener
Event handler that is called when the Server notifies an error on a Subscription.
onUnsubscription() - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.client.SubscriptionListener
Event handler that is called by Lightstreamer to notify that a Subscription has been successfully unsubscribed from.


Proxy - Class in com.lightstreamer.client
Simple class representing a Proxy configuration.
Proxy(String, String, int) - Constructor for class com.lightstreamer.client.Proxy
This constructor will call Proxy(String, String, int, String, String) specifying null user and null password.
Proxy(String, String, int, String) - Constructor for class com.lightstreamer.client.Proxy
This constructor will call Proxy(String, String, int, String, String) specifying a null null password.
Proxy(String, String, int, String, String) - Constructor for class com.lightstreamer.client.Proxy
Creates a Proxy instance containing all the information required by the LightstreamerClient to connect to a Lightstreamer server passing through a proxy.


Quickstart - Search tag in Overview


removeListener(ClientListener) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.LightstreamerClient
Removes a listener from the LightstreamerClient instance so that it will not receive events anymore.
removeListener(SubscriptionListener) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.Subscription
Removes a listener from the Subscription instance so that it will not receive events anymore.


sendMessage(String) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.LightstreamerClient
sendMessage(String, String, int, ClientMessageListener, boolean) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.LightstreamerClient
Operation method that sends a message to the Server.
setAdapterSet(String) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.ConnectionDetails
Setter method that sets the name of the Adapter Set mounted on Lightstreamer Server to be used to handle all requests in the session.
setCommandSecondLevelDataAdapter(String) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.Subscription
Setter method that sets the name of the second-level Data Adapter (within the Adapter Set used by the current session) that supplies all the second-level items.
setCommandSecondLevelFields(String[]) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.Subscription
Setter method that sets the "Field List" to be subscribed to through Lightstreamer Server for the second-level items.
setCommandSecondLevelFieldSchema(String) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.Subscription
Setter method that sets the "Field Schema" to be subscribed to through Lightstreamer Server for the second-level items.
setContentLength(long) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.ConnectionOptions
Setter method that sets the length in bytes to be used by the Server for the response body on a stream connection (a minimum length, however, is ensured by the server).
setDataAdapter(String) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.Subscription
Setter method that sets the name of the Data Adapter (within the Adapter Set used by the current session) that supplies all the items for this Subscription.
setFields(String[]) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.Subscription
Setter method that sets the "Field List" to be subscribed to through Lightstreamer Server.
setFieldSchema(String) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.Subscription
Setter method that sets the "Field Schema" to be subscribed to through Lightstreamer Server.
setFirstRetryMaxDelay(long) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.ConnectionOptions
Setter method that sets the maximum time to wait before trying a new connection to the Server in case the previous one is unexpectedly closed while correctly working.
setForcedTransport(String) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.ConnectionOptions
Setter method that can be used to disable/enable the Stream-Sense algorithm and to force the client to use a fixed transport or a fixed combination of a transport and a connection type.
setHttpExtraHeaders(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.ConnectionOptions
Setter method that enables/disables the setting of extra HTTP headers to all the request performed to the Lightstreamer server by the client.
setHttpExtraHeadersOnSessionCreationOnly(boolean) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.ConnectionOptions
Setter method that enables/disables a restriction on the forwarding of the extra http headers specified through ConnectionOptions.setHttpExtraHeaders(Map).
setIdleTimeout(long) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.ConnectionOptions
Setter method that sets the maximum time the Server is allowed to wait for any data to be sent in response to a polling request, if none has accumulated at request time.
setItemGroup(String) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.Subscription
Setter method that sets the "Item Group" to be subscribed to through Lightstreamer Server.
setItems(String[]) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.Subscription
Setter method that sets the "Item List" to be subscribed to through Lightstreamer Server.
setKeepaliveInterval(long) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.ConnectionOptions
Setter method that sets the interval between two keepalive packets to be sent by Lightstreamer Server on a stream connection when no actual data is being transmitted.
setLoggerProvider(LoggerProvider) - Static method in class com.lightstreamer.client.LightstreamerClient
Static method that permits to configure the logging system used by the library.
setPassword(String) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.ConnectionDetails
Setter method that sets the password to be used for the authentication on Lightstreamer Server when initiating the session.
setPollingInterval(long) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.ConnectionOptions
Setter method that sets the polling interval used for polling connections.
setProxy(Proxy) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.ConnectionOptions
Setter method that configures the coordinates to a proxy server to be used to connect to the Lightstreamer Server.
setReconnectTimeout(long) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.ConnectionOptions
Setter method that sets the time the client, after entering "STALLED" status, is allowed to keep waiting for a keepalive packet or any data on a stream connection, before disconnecting and trying to reconnect to the Server.
setRequestedBufferSize(String) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.Subscription
Setter method that sets the length to be requested to Lightstreamer Server for the internal queuing buffers for the items in the Subscription.
setRequestedMaxBandwidth(String) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.ConnectionOptions
Setter method that sets the maximum bandwidth expressed in kilobits/s that can be consumed for the data coming from Lightstreamer Server.
setRequestedMaxFrequency(String) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.Subscription
Setter method that sets the maximum update frequency to be requested to Lightstreamer Server for all the items in the Subscription.
setRequestedSnapshot(String) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.Subscription
Setter method that enables/disables snapshot delivery request for the items in the Subscription.
setRetryDelay(long) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.ConnectionOptions
Setter method that sets the minimum time to wait before trying a new connection to the Server in case the previous one failed for any reason; and the maximum time to wait for a response to a request before dropping the connection and trying with a different approach.
Enforcing a delay between reconnections prevents strict loops of connection attempts when these attempts always fail immediately because of some persisting issue.
setReverseHeartbeatInterval(long) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.ConnectionOptions
Setter method that enables/disables the reverse-heartbeat mechanism by setting the heartbeat interval.
setSelector(String) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.Subscription
Setter method that sets the selector name for all the items in the Subscription.
setServerAddress(String) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.ConnectionDetails
Setter method that sets the address of Lightstreamer Server.
setServerInstanceAddressIgnored(boolean) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.ConnectionOptions
Setter method that can be used to disable/enable the automatic handling of server instance address that may be returned by the Lightstreamer server during session creation.
setSessionRecoveryTimeout(long) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.ConnectionOptions
Setter method that sets the maximum time allowed for attempts to recover the current session upon an interruption, after which a new session will be created.
setSlowingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.ConnectionOptions
Setter method that turns on or off the slowing algorithm.
setStalledTimeout(long) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.ConnectionOptions
Setter method that sets the extra time the client is allowed to wait when an expected keepalive packet has not been received on a stream connection (and no actual data has arrived), before entering the "STALLED" status.
setTrustManagerFactory(TrustManagerFactory) - Static method in class com.lightstreamer.client.LightstreamerClient
Provides a mean to control the way TLS certificates are evaluated, with the possibility to accept untrusted ones.
setUser(String) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.ConnectionDetails
Setter method that sets the username to be used for the authentication on Lightstreamer Server when initiating the session.
subscribe(Subscription) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.LightstreamerClient
Operation method that adds a Subscription to the list of "active" Subscriptions.
Subscription - Class in com.lightstreamer.client
Class representing a Subscription to be submitted to a Lightstreamer Server.
Subscription(String) - Constructor for class com.lightstreamer.client.Subscription
Creates an object to be used to describe a Subscription that is going to be subscribed to through Lightstreamer Server.
Subscription(String, String[], String[]) - Constructor for class com.lightstreamer.client.Subscription
Creates an object to be used to describe a Subscription that is going to be subscribed to through Lightstreamer Server.
Subscription(String, String, String[]) - Constructor for class com.lightstreamer.client.Subscription
Creates an object to be used to describe a Subscription that is going to be subscribed to through Lightstreamer Server.
SubscriptionListener - Interface in com.lightstreamer.client
Interface to be implemented to listen to Subscription events comprehending notifications of subscription/unsubscription, updates, errors and others.
Summary - Search tag in Overview
Support - Search tag in Overview


toString() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.Proxy
trace(String, Throwable) - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.log.Logger
Receives log messages at Trace level and a related exception.
TRACE - Static variable in class com.lightstreamer.log.ConsoleLogLevel
Trace logging level.


unsubscribe(Subscription) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.client.LightstreamerClient
Operation method that removes a Subscription that is currently in the "active" state.


warn(String, Throwable) - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.log.Logger
Receives log messages at Warn level and a related exception.
WARN - Static variable in class com.lightstreamer.log.ConsoleLogLevel
Warn logging level.
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