Aligned the documentation to comply with current licensing policies.
Aligned the documentation to comply with current licensing policies.
Fixed a bug that prevented the use of very long (> 2^15) custom strings (for instance: for item groups, fields schemas or user names), by causing exceptions to be thrown.
Fixed a bug that, under rare circumstances, could have prevented the success of the session rebind procedure performed by the library, causing the session to hang and eventually close.
Fixed a bug that could have prevented the natural termination of the process
when Lightstreamer Server happened to be unresponsive.
Fixed a bug that, upon session close, could have allowed the process to terminate
naturally, without invoking the application's OnClose (which, instead, should have
been given an opportunity to prevent termination).
Fixed the documentation of the ExtendedTableInfo class, to clarify that item and field names in lists to be submitted to a LiteralBasedProvider or similar are not allowed to be null, empty or to contain spaces. Now, checks have been added when item and field names are supplied and an exception is thrown, if needed. COMPATIBILITY NOTE: Existing code is not expected to be using null or empty item/field names or item/field names containing spaces; in fact, in case it did, it would still have been subject to unexpected behaviours and exceptions.
Introduced the support for the new client identification mechanism.
Removed the examples, which are now only hosted on GitHub and managed through the new "demos" site. Provided suitable references to find the examples there.
Modified the SDK versioning, which now differs from the internal dll versioning.
Discontinued the compatibility with the previous version of Lightstreamer Server.
Introduced the ChangeSubscription method, which allows for modification of the maximum frequency settings for currently subscribed items, with no need for a resubscription; this also introduces a new error code in PushServerException.
Fixed the handling of mocked calls to UnsubscribeTable when a batch is in place.
Fixed a bug which prevented the ForceUnsubscribeTable method from working. This method was provided only as a help for particular cases of error recovery.
Fixed a memory leak that could have caused a zombie thread to be left after an unsuccessful attempt of connecting to Lightstreamer Server; if the Server had been unreachable for long time for any reason and a loop of attempts had been performed, the leak could have become significant.
Fixed a potential bug that may have occurred after a SendMessage call, causing an ObjectDisposedException to be internally issued.
Introduction of Lightstreamer "Duomo" release (Server 4.0).