Lightstreamer macOS Client  1.2.5
Native macOS Client library for Lightstreamer
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LSClient Class Reference

The LSClient class incapsulates a single connection to Lightstreamer Server. More...

#import <LSClient.h>

Inheritance diagram for LSClient:

Instance Methods

(id) - init
 Initializes a new LSClient object. More...
(void) - openConnectionWithInfo:delegate:
 Opens a connection to the Server with the supplied parameters. More...
(BOOL) - openConnectionWithInfo:delegate:error:
 Opens a connection to the Server with the supplied parameters. More...
(void) - changeConnectionWithConstraints:
 Requests new constraints to be applied on the overall data flow from the current connection. More...
(BOOL) - changeConnectionWithConstraints:error:
 Requests new constraints to be applied on the overall data flow from the current connection. More...
(void) - closeConnection
 Closes the connection to the Server, if one is open. More...
(NSArray *) - subscribeItemsWithExtendedInfo:delegate:
 Subscribes to a set of items, which share the same schema and other subscription parameters. More...
(NSArray *) - subscribeItemsWithExtendedInfo:delegate:error:
 Subscribes to a set of items, which share the same schema and other subscription parameters. More...
(LSSubscribedTableKey *) - subscribeTableWithExtendedInfo:delegate:useCommandLogic:
 Subscribes to a table through the Server. More...
(LSSubscribedTableKey *) - subscribeTableWithExtendedInfo:delegate:useCommandLogic:error:
 Subscribes to a table through the Server. More...
(LSSubscribedTableKey *) - subscribeTable:delegate:useCommandLogic:
 Subscribes to a table through the Server. More...
(LSSubscribedTableKey *) - subscribeTable:delegate:useCommandLogic:error:
 Subscribes to a table through the Server. More...
(void) - changeTableSubscription:withConstraints:
 Requests new constraints to be applied on the data flow from the specified subscription. More...
(BOOL) - changeTableSubscription:withConstraints:error:
 Requests new constraints to be applied on the data flow from the specified subscription. More...
(void) - unsubscribeTable:
 Unsubscribes from a table previously subscribed to the Server. More...
(BOOL) - unsubscribeTable:error:
 Unsubscribes from a table previously subscribed to the Server. More...
(void) - unsubscribeTables:
 Unsubscribes from a set of tables previously subscribed to the Server. More...
(BOOL) - unsubscribeTables:error:
 Unsubscribes from a set of tables previously subscribed to the Server. More...
(LSMPNTokenStatus- registrationForMPNSucceededWithToken:
 Notifies the LSClient that a registration for mobile push (that is: remote) notifications did succeed and specifies the obtained device token. More...
(void) - applicationMPNBadgeReset
 Notifies the LSClient that the application's icon badge has been reset. More...
(LSMPNSubscription *) - activateMPN:coalescing:
 Activates a mobile push notification (MPN) subscription for specific table and with a specific format. More...
(LSMPNSubscription *) - activateMPN:coalescing:error:
 Activates a mobile push notification (MPN) subscription for specific table and with a specific format. More...
(LSMPNSubscription *) - inquireMPN:
 Inquires the details of a mobile push notification (MPN) subscription with the specified MPN key. More...
(LSMPNSubscription *) - inquireMPN:error:
 Inquires the details of a mobile push notification (MPN) subscription with the specified MPN key. More...
(NSArray *) - inquireAllMPNs
 Inquires the details of all mobile push notification (MPN) subscriptions of this device and application. More...
(NSArray *) - inquireAllMPNs:
 Inquires the details of all mobile push notification (MPN) subscriptions of this device and application. More...
(NSArray *) - inquireMPNsWithStatus:
 Inquires the details of mobile push notification (MPN) subscriptions with the specified status. More...
(NSArray *) - inquireMPNsWithStatus:error:
 Inquires the details of mobile push notification (MPN) subscriptions with the specified status. More...
(LSMPNSubscription *) - cachedMPNSubscriptionForKey:
 Looks up the details of a mobile push notification (MPN) subscription in the local cache, with the specified MPN key. More...
(NSArray *) - cachedMPNSubscriptions
 Looks up the details of mobile push notification (MPN) subscriptions currently stored in the local cache. More...
(void) - deactivateAllMPNs
 Deactivates all the MPN subscriptions for this device and application. More...
(BOOL) - deactivateAllMPNs:
 Deactivates all the MPN subscriptions for this device and application. More...
(void) - deactivateMPNsWithStatus:
 Deactivates mobile push notification (MPN) subscriptions with the specified status. More...
(BOOL) - deactivateMPNsWithStatus:error:
 Deactivates mobile push notification (MPN) subscriptions with the specified status. More...
(int) - sendMessage:delegate:
 Sends a message to Lightstreamer Server. More...
(void) - sendMessage:
 Sends a message to Lightstreamer Server. More...
(BOOL) - sendMessage:error:
 Sends a message to Lightstreamer Server. More...
(void) - beginBatch
 Signals that the next requests should be accumulated and sent to Lightstreamer Server with a single connection. More...
(BOOL) - beginBatch:
 Signals that the next requests should be accumulated and sent to Lightstreamer Server with a single connection. More...
(NSArray *) - commitBatch
 Commits the current batch. More...
(NSArray *) - commitBatch:
 Commits the current batch. More...
(void) - abortBatch
 Aborts the current batch. More...

Class Methods

(LSClient *) + client
 Creates and returns a new LSClient object. More...
(LSMPNTokenStatus+ registrationForMPNSucceededWithToken:
 Notifies the LSClient that a registration for mobile push (that is: remote) notifications did succeed and specifies the obtained device token. More...
(void) + applicationMPNBadgeReset
 Notifies the LSClient that the application's icon badge has been reset. More...


BOOL connected
 Tells if the client is connected. More...
BOOL batching
 Tells if the client has an ongoing batch. More...
LSConnectionStatus connectionStatus
 Tells the current connection status. More...
id< LSConnectionDelegatedelegate
 Tells the current connection delegate. More...

Detailed Description

The LSClient class incapsulates a single connection to Lightstreamer Server.

Method Documentation

- (void) abortBatch

Aborts the current batch.

Pending requests will be lost: any subscription handle or progressive number obtained from a request that is part of the ongoing batch will have no value.

- (LSMPNSubscription *) activateMPN: (LSMPNInfo *)  mpnInfo
coalescing: (BOOL)  coalescing 

Activates a mobile push notification (MPN) subscription for specific table and with a specific format.

Once activated, updates on the table will be delivered via mobile push (i.e. remote) notifications in accordance with the format specified in the LSMPNInfo. MPNs can be sent each time the table updates or only one time when a specific trigger passes evaluation.
An MPN subscription is persistent and it is related only with the current device and application; on the other hand, once activated, it is no longer related with the current Session, which has been used only to submit and authorize it. Therefore the MPN subscription will remain active on the Server until deactivated through deactivate (LSMPNSubscription), deactivateMPNsWithStatus:, or deactivateAllMPNs (within the current Session or any other one). In special cases, the subscription may be forcibly deactivated on the Server side.
Some limitations apply on the table specification:

If the coalescing flag is set, two activations with the same Adapter Set, Data Adapter, group, schema and trigger expression are actually considered the same MPN subscription. Activating two such subscriptions will result in the second activation returning an LSMPNSubscription instance related with the first activation (remind that MPN subscriptions are persistent, hence the first subscription may have been issued within a different Session). If other activation parameters, such as LSMPNInfo::format or LSMPNInfo::badge, are specified differently, this will also cause the MPN subscription to be modified. As another consequence, if the subscription has a trigger and is currently in triggered state, by activating again the subscription it will return to the active state (see LSMPNStatus).
If the coalescing flag is not set, two activations are always considered different MPN subscriptions, whatever the Adapter Set, Data Adapter, group, schema and trigger expression are set.
The rationale behind the coalescing flag is to allow simple apps to always activate their MPN subscriptions when the app starts, without worrying about receiving the related notifications multiple times because the same subscriptions might have been issued in previous runs of the app.
Note that MPN subscriptions are cached locally, see LSMPNSubscription description for more information. This method always contacts the Server and updates the related MPN subscription in the local cache.
The method is blocking if executed outside of a batch, otherwise it is non-blocking: outside of a batch, it will return only after receiving the Server response. Inside a batch, the method will return immediately with nil, but the request will be processed only on batch commit (see commitBatch).

mpnInfoContains the table and format specifications of the mobile push notifications to be activated. An unmodifiable copy of the object is stored internally.
coalescingIf set, two activations with the same Adapter Set, Data Adapter, group, schema and trigger expression are actually considered the same MPN subscription. If not set, two such activations are considered different MPN subscriptions.
The activated MPN subscription, to be used for modification or deactivation (possibly within a different Session). If a batch is pending, nil is returned.
LSPushClientExceptionThrown in case the parameters specify invalid or conflicting values, or in case the context is invalid (e.g. can't obtain a valid device token or app ID).
LSPushServerExceptionThrown in case the server refuses the request with a specific error code.
LSPushConnectionExceptionThrown in case of any other problem (including if the client is not connected).
- (LSMPNSubscription *) activateMPN: (LSMPNInfo *)  mpnInfo
coalescing: (BOOL)  coalescing
error: (NSError *__autoreleasing *)  error 

Activates a mobile push notification (MPN) subscription for specific table and with a specific format.

Non-exception-throwing variant of activateMPN:coalescing:, see for more information.

mpnInfoContains the table and format specifications of the mobile push notifications to be activated. An unmodifiable copy of the object is stored internally.
coalescingIf set, two activations with the same Adapter Set, Data Adapter, group, schema and trigger expression are actually considered the same MPN subscription. If not set, two such activations are considered different MPN subscriptions.
errorIn case of error, upon return contains an NSError object that describes the problem.
The activated MPN subscription, to be used for modification or deactivation (possibly within a different Session). If a batch is pending, nil is returned.
LSPushClientExceptionThrown in case the parameters specify invalid or conflicting values, or in case the context is invalid (e.g. can't obtain a valid device token or app ID).
- (void) applicationMPNBadgeReset

Notifies the LSClient that the application's icon badge has been reset.

This is needed by mobile push notification (MPN) subscriptions that use the "AUTO" value for the application's icon badge, so that they may correctly restart the badge counting.
The method will try to reset the badge on the Server. For this reason the LSClient must be connected when this method is called. The subsequent result of the badge reset try will be delivered through appropriate events of the LSConnectionDelegate.
The method is always non-blocking: the outcome of the update will always be delivered asyncronously to the delegate.
Batching is not effective for this method, it always executes immediately.

+ (void) applicationMPNBadgeReset

Notifies the LSClient that the application's icon badge has been reset.

This is needed by mobile push notification (MPN) subscriptions that use the "AUTO" value for the application's icon badge, so that they may correctly restart the badge counting.
Unlike the other, instance-related version of the method, this class-related version can be invoked at any time. If there is at least one instance of LSClient connected, it will try to reset the badge on the Server. If there are no instances connected, the reset on the Server will be scheduled and tried when the first instance connects. The subsequent result of the badge reset try will be delivered through appropriate events of the LSConnectionDelegate.
The method is always non-blocking: the outcome of the update will always be delivered asyncronously to the delegate.

- (void) beginBatch

Signals that the next requests should be accumulated and sent to Lightstreamer Server with a single connection.

The batch will continue to accumulate requests until a commit is requested. When the connetion is closed, any ongoing batch that has not been committed will be automatically aborted.
Note that subscription requests and message requests are batched separately: all subscriptions will be executed first, followed by messages.
Note also that batches cannot be nested: there is at most one and only batch ongoing for a given LSClient object.

LSPushConnectionExceptionThrown if the client is not connected.
- (BOOL) beginBatch: (NSError *__autoreleasing *)  error

Signals that the next requests should be accumulated and sent to Lightstreamer Server with a single connection.

Non-exception-throwing variant of beginBatch, see for more information.

errorIn case of error, upon return contains an NSError object that describes the problem.
YES if the batch could be opened, NO if it couldn't. In the latter case, an error is provided.
- (LSMPNSubscription *) cachedMPNSubscriptionForKey: (LSMPNKey *)  mpnKey

Looks up the details of a mobile push notification (MPN) subscription in the local cache, with the specified MPN key.

If found, An LSMPNSubscription object is returned, with the details about the MPN subscription, otherwise nil is returned.
For more information on the local cache of MPN subscriptions, see the LSMPNSubscription description. This method never contacts the Server and does not update the local cache.
The method is not batchable: will always return immediately with the appropriate return value.

mpnKeyA key to an active MPN subscription (possibly obtained within a different Session).
An LSMPNSubscription object with the details the specified MPN subscription, or nil if the MPN subscription can not be found in the local cache.
- (NSArray *) cachedMPNSubscriptions

Looks up the details of mobile push notification (MPN) subscriptions currently stored in the local cache.

A list of LSMPNSubscription objects is returned, with the details about each MPN subscription.
For more information on the local cache of MPN subscriptions, see the LSMPNSubscription description. This method never contacts the Server and does not update the local cache.
The method is not batchable: will always return immediately with the appropriate return value.

A list of LSMPNSubscription objects with the details for all MPN subscriptions stored in the local cache.
- (void) changeConnectionWithConstraints: (LSConnectionConstraints *)  connectionConstraints

Requests new constraints to be applied on the overall data flow from the current connection.

The new limits override the limits requested with the connection operation or the last call to this method (a constraint not set means an unlimited constraint and may override a previous limiting constraint). They can only be used in order to restrict the constraints set by Lightstreamer Server Metadata Adapter.
The method is blocking: it will return only after receiving the Server response.

connectionConstraintsConstraints to be applied.
LSPushServerExceptionThrown in case the server refuses the request with a specific error code.
LSPushConnectionExceptionThrown in case of any other problem (including if the client is not connected).
- (BOOL) changeConnectionWithConstraints: (LSConnectionConstraints *)  connectionConstraints
error: (NSError *__autoreleasing *)  error 

Requests new constraints to be applied on the overall data flow from the current connection.

Non-exception-throwing variant of changeConnectionWithConstraints:, see for more information.

connectionConstraintsConstraints to be applied.
errorIn case of error, upon return contains an NSError object that describes the problem.
YES if the connection could be changed, NO if it couldn't. In the latter case, an error is provided.
- (void) changeTableSubscription: (LSSubscribedTableKey *)  tableKey
withConstraints: (LSSubscriptionConstraints *)  subscriptionConstraints 

Requests new constraints to be applied on the data flow from the specified subscription.

The new limits override the limits requested with the subscription operation or the last call to this method.
The server may refuse to apply certain constraints under specific conditions, for example when changing the max frequency of an unfiltered subscription. In these cases an LSPushServerException will be raised.
The method is blocking if executed outside of a batch, else it is non-blocking: outside of a batch, it will return only after receiving the Server response. Inside a batch, the method will return immediately but the request will be processed only on batch commit (see commitBatch).

tableKeyHandle to a table as returned by a subscribe call.
subscriptionConstraintsConstraints to be applied.
LSPushClientExceptionThrown in case the parameters specify invalid or conflicting values.
LSPushServerExceptionThrown in case the server refuses the request with a specific error code.
LSPushConnectionExceptionThrown in case of any other problem (including if the client is not connected).
- (BOOL) changeTableSubscription: (LSSubscribedTableKey *)  tableKey
withConstraints: (LSSubscriptionConstraints *)  subscriptionConstraints
error: (NSError *__autoreleasing *)  error 

Requests new constraints to be applied on the data flow from the specified subscription.

Non-exception-throwing variant of changeTableSubscription:withConstraints:, see for more information.

tableKeyHandle to a table as returned by a subscribe call.
subscriptionConstraintsConstraints to be applied.
errorIn case of error, upon return contains an NSError object that describes the problem.
YES if the subscription could be changed, NO if it couldn't. In the latter case, an error is provided.
LSPushClientExceptionThrown in case the parameters specify invalid or conflicting values.
+ (LSClient *) client

Creates and returns a new LSClient object.

Note: use of multiple LSClient objects is discouraged. See the API docs home page, section "Using more than one LSClient", for more information.

The LSClient object.
- (void) closeConnection

Closes the connection to the Server, if one is open.

The method is blocking: it will return only after the connection has been closed.

- (NSArray *) commitBatch

Commits the current batch.

Pending requests are submitted to Lightstreamer Server in two successive blocks: table requests (including table subscription and unsubscriptions, MPN subscription activations, deactivations and inquiries, etc.) are sent first, followed by message requests. Within each block, request ordering is maintained. Results are accumulated and returned in submission order. If the outcome is positive an appropriate object is added (i.e. NSNull for requests with no return values, or the appropriate object for requests with specific return values, such as activateMPN:coalescing:), otherwise the appropriate exception is added. The implementation guarantees an outcome for each request.
For example, if your batch is made up of the following requests:

  1. subscribeTable:delegate:useCommandLogic:
  2. sendMessage:
  3. activateMPN:coalescing:
  4. sendMessage:

they are submitted in this order:

  1. subscribeTable:delegate:useCommandLogic:
  2. activateMPN:coalescing:
  3. sendMessage:
  4. sendMessage:

and the outcomes list may contain values like:

  1. an NSNull (table subscriptions return immediately a valid table handle even inside a batch)
  2. an LSMPNSubscription (MPN operations return their result only upon batch commit)
  3. an NSNull (message requests return no result)
  4. an LSPushServerException (in case the second sendMessage: failed for some reason)

To avoid handling result reordering, keep table requests and message requests in separate batches.
This method is always blocking: it will return only after receiving the Server response for all the requests.

The list of outcomes
LSPushClientExceptionThrown in case there is no current active batch.
LSPushConnectionExceptionThrown if the client is not connected.
- (NSArray *) commitBatch: (NSError *__autoreleasing *)  error

Commits the current batch.

Non-exception-throwing variant of commitBatch, see for more information.

errorIn case of error, upon return contains an NSError object that describes the problem.
The list of outcomes
- (void) deactivateAllMPNs

Deactivates all the MPN subscriptions for this device and application.

Once deactivated, no more mobile push (i.e. remote) notifications will be sent on table updates.
A deactivation has also the effect of deleting the MPN subscriptions, such that any successive operations on them will result in an LSPushServerException with error code 46 (subscription unknown) or 45 (device unknown, if no more subscriptions exist for this device and application).
Note that MPN subscriptions are cached locally, see LSMPNSubscription description for more information. This method always contacts the Server and updates (clears) the local cache.
The method is blocking if executed outside of a batch, else it is non-blocking: outside of a batch, it will return only after receiving the Server response. Inside a batch, the method will return immediately but the request will be processed only on batch commit (see commitBatch).

LSPushClientExceptionThrown in case the context is invalid (e.g. can't obtain a valid device token or app ID).
LSPushServerExceptionThrown in case the server refuses the request with a specific error code.
LSPushConnectionExceptionThrown in case of any other problem (including if the client is not connected).
- (BOOL) deactivateAllMPNs: (NSError *__autoreleasing *)  error

Deactivates all the MPN subscriptions for this device and application.

Non-exception-throwing variant of deactivateAllMPNs, see for more information.

errorIn case of error, upon return contains an NSError object that describes the problem.
YES if the MPN subscriptions could be deactivated, NO if they couldn't. In the latter case, an error is provided.
LSPushClientExceptionThrown in case the context is invalid (e.g. can't obtain a valid device token or app ID).
- (void) deactivateMPNsWithStatus: (LSMPNSubscriptionStatus mpnStatus

Deactivates mobile push notification (MPN) subscriptions with the specified status.

Once deactivated, no more mobile push (i.e. remote) notifications will be sent on table updates.
A deactivation has also the effect of deleting the MPN subscriptions, such that any successive operations on them will result in an LSPushServerException with error code 46 (subscription unknown) or 45 (device unknown, if no more subscriptions exist for this device and application).
Note that MPN subscriptions are cached locally, see LSMPNSubscription description for more information. This method always contacts the Server and updates the involved MPN subscriptions in the local cache.
The method is blocking if executed outside of a batch, else it is non-blocking: outside of a batch, it will return only after receiving the Server response. Inside a batch, the method will return immediately but the request will be processed only on batch commit (see commitBatch).

mpnStatusAn MPN subscription status.
LSPushClientExceptionThrown in case the parameter specifies an invalid status, or in case the context is invalid (e.g. can't obtain a valid device token or app ID).
LSPushServerExceptionThrown in case the server refuses the request with a specific error code.
LSPushConnectionExceptionThrown in case of any other problem (including if the client is not connected).
- (BOOL) deactivateMPNsWithStatus: (LSMPNSubscriptionStatus mpnStatus
error: (NSError *__autoreleasing *)  error 

Deactivates mobile push notification (MPN) subscriptions with the specified status.

Non-exception-throwing variant of deactivateMPNsWithStatus:, see for more information.

mpnStatusAn MPN subscription status.
errorIn case of error, upon return contains an NSError object that describes the problem.
YES if the MPN subscriptions could be deactivated, NO if they couldn't. In the latter case, an error is provided.
LSPushClientExceptionThrown in case the parameter specifies an invalid status, or in case the context is invalid (e.g. can't obtain a valid device token or app ID).
- (id) init

Initializes a new LSClient object.

Note: use of multiple LSClient objects is discouraged. See the API docs home page, section "Using more than one LSClient", for more information.

The LSClient object.
- (NSArray *) inquireAllMPNs

Inquires the details of all mobile push notification (MPN) subscriptions of this device and application.

A list of LSMPNSubscription objects is returned, with the details about each MPN subscription.
Note that MPN subscriptions are cached locally, see LSMPNSubscription description for more information. This method always contacts the Server and updates the whole state of the local cache.
The method is blocking if executed outside of a batch, else it is non-blocking: outside of a batch, it will return only after receiving the Server response. Inside a batch, the method will return immediately with nil, but the request will be processed only on batch commit (see commitBatch).

A list of LSMPNSubscription objects with the details for all MPN subscriptions, or nil if a batch is pending.
LSPushServerExceptionThrown in case the server refuses the request with a specific error code.
LSPushConnectionExceptionThrown in case of any other problem (including if the client is not connected).
- (NSArray *) inquireAllMPNs: (NSError *__autoreleasing *)  error

Inquires the details of all mobile push notification (MPN) subscriptions of this device and application.

Non-exception-throwing variant of inquireAllMPNs, see for more information.

errorIn case of error, upon return contains an NSError object that describes the problem.
A list of LSMPNSubscription objects with the details for all MPN subscriptions, or nil if a batch is pending.
- (LSMPNSubscription *) inquireMPN: (LSMPNKey *)  mpnKey

Inquires the details of a mobile push notification (MPN) subscription with the specified MPN key.

An LSMPNSubscription object is returned, with the details about the MPN subscription.
If the MPN subscription has been forcibly deactivated on the Server, the call will result in a LSPushServerException with error code 46 (subscription unknown) or 45 (device unknown, if no more subscriptions exist for this device and application).
Note that MPN subscriptions are cached locally, see LSMPNSubscription description for more information. This method always contacts the Server and updates the related MPN subscription in the local cache.
The method is blocking if executed outside of a batch, else it is non-blocking: outside of a batch, it will return only after receiving the Server response. Inside a batch, the method will return immediately with nil, but the request will be processed only on batch commit (see commitBatch).

mpnKeyA key to an active MPN subscription (possibly obtained within a different Session).
An LSMPNSubscription object with the details the specified MPN subscription, or nil if a batch is pending.
LSPushClientExceptionThrown in case the parameter specifies an invalid MPN key, or in case the context is invalid (e.g. can't obtain a valid device token or app ID).
LSPushServerExceptionThrown in case the server refuses the request with a specific error code.
LSPushConnectionExceptionThrown in case of any other problem (including if the client is not connected).
- (LSMPNSubscription *) inquireMPN: (LSMPNKey *)  mpnKey
error: (NSError *__autoreleasing *)  error 

Inquires the details of a mobile push notification (MPN) subscription with the specified MPN key.

Non-exception-throwing variant of inquireMPN:, see for more information.

mpnKeyA key to an active MPN subscription (possibly obtained within a different Session).
errorIn case of error, upon return contains an NSError object that describes the problem.
An LSMPNSubscription object with the details the specified MPN subscription, or nil if a batch is pending.
LSPushClientExceptionThrown in case the parameter specifies an invalid MPN key, or in case the context is invalid (e.g. can't obtain a valid device token or app ID).
- (NSArray *) inquireMPNsWithStatus: (LSMPNSubscriptionStatus mpnStatus

Inquires the details of mobile push notification (MPN) subscriptions with the specified status.

A list of LSMPNSubscription objects is returned, with the details about each MPN subscription.
Note that MPN subscriptions are cached locally, see LSMPNSubscription description for more information. This method always contacts the Server and updates the involved MPN subscriptions in the local cache.
The method is blocking if executed outside of a batch, else it is non-blocking: outside of a batch, it will return only after receiving the Server response. Inside a batch, the method will return immediately with nil, but the request will be processed only on batch commit (see commitBatch).

mpnStatusAn MPN subscription status.
A list of LSMPNSubscription objects with the details for all MPN subscriptions in the specified status for this device and application, or nil if a batch is pending.
LSPushClientExceptionThrown in case the parameter specifies an invalid status, or in case the context is invalid (e.g. can't obtain a valid device token or app ID).
LSPushServerExceptionThrown in case the server refuses the request with a specific error code.
LSPushConnectionExceptionThrown in case of any other problem (including if the client is not connected).
- (NSArray *) inquireMPNsWithStatus: (LSMPNSubscriptionStatus mpnStatus
error: (NSError *__autoreleasing *)  error 

Inquires the details of mobile push notification (MPN) subscriptions with the specified status.

Non-exception-throwing variant of inquireMPNsWithStatus:, see for more information.

mpnStatusAn MPN subscription status.
errorIn case of error, upon return contains an NSError object that describes the problem.
A list of LSMPNSubscription objects with the details for all MPN subscriptions in the specified status for this device and application, or nil if a batch is pending.
LSPushClientExceptionThrown in case the parameter specifies an invalid status, or in case the context is invalid (e.g. can't obtain a valid device token or app ID).
- (void) openConnectionWithInfo: (LSConnectionInfo *)  connectionInfo
delegate: (id< LSConnectionDelegate >)  delegate 

Opens a connection to the Server with the supplied parameters.

The Server will initiate a push session for this client through a streaming connection. If a connection is open, it is closed first.
The method is blocking: it will return only after a connection has been established or the attempt has failed.

connectionInfoContains the Server address and the connection parameters. A copy of the object is stored internally.
delegateReceives notification for connection events.
Note: the delegate is stored in a weak reference.
LSPushServerExceptionThrown in case the server refuses the connection with a specific error code.
LSPushConnectionExceptionThrown in case of any other problem while connecting to the Server.
- (BOOL) openConnectionWithInfo: (LSConnectionInfo *)  connectionInfo
delegate: (id< LSConnectionDelegate >)  delegate
error: (NSError *__autoreleasing *)  error 

Opens a connection to the Server with the supplied parameters.

Non-exception-throwing variant of openConnectionWithInfo:delegate:, see for more information.

connectionInfoContains the Server address and the connection parameters. A copy of the object is stored internally.
delegateReceives notification for connection events.
Note: the delegate is stored in a weak reference.
errorIn case of error, upon return contains an NSError object that describes the problem.
YES if the connection could be opened, NO if it couldn't. In the latter case, an error is provided.
- (LSMPNTokenStatus) registrationForMPNSucceededWithToken: (NSData *)  deviceTokenData

Notifies the LSClient that a registration for mobile push (that is: remote) notifications did succeed and specifies the obtained device token.

The token is stored on the standard NSUserDefaults storage for subsequent use by other mobile push notification (MPN) APIs.
The method checks whether the device token is new, changed or unchanged. If it is changed it will try to update the device token on the Server. For this reason the LSClient must be connected when this method is called. The subsequent result of the update try will be delivered through appropriate events of the LSConnectionDelegate. If successful, the device token change may automatically reactivate previously suspended MPN subscriptions. An MPN subscription may become suspended when APNS Feedback Service reports a device token as invalidated.
The method is always non-blocking: the outcome of the update will always be delivered asyncronously to the delegate.
Batching is not effective for this method, it always executes immediately.

deviceTokenDataA device token, as obtained through application:didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:.
The device token status, i.e. whether it is new, changed or unchanged since last method call.
+ (LSMPNTokenStatus) registrationForMPNSucceededWithToken: (NSData *)  deviceTokenData

Notifies the LSClient that a registration for mobile push (that is: remote) notifications did succeed and specifies the obtained device token.

The token is stored on the standard NSUserDefaults storage for subsequent use by other mobile push notification (MPN) APIs.
The method checks whether the device token is new, changed or unchanged. Unlike the other, instance-related version of the method, this class-related version can be invoked at any time. If the device token is changed and there is at least one instance of LSClient connected, it will try to update the token on the Server. If there are no instances connected, the device token update on the Server will be scheduled and tried when the first instance connects. The subsequent result of the update try will be delivered through appropriate events of the LSConnectionDelegate. If successful, the device token change may automatically reactivate previously suspended MPN subscriptions. An MPN subscription may become suspended when APNS Feedback Service reports a device token as invalidated.
The method is always non-blocking: the outcome of the update will always be delivered asyncronously to the delegate.

deviceTokenDataA device token, as obtained through application:didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:.
The device token status, i.e. whether it is new, changed or unchanged since last method call.
- (void) sendMessage: (NSString *)  message

Sends a message to Lightstreamer Server.

The message is associated to the current session and is interpreted and managed by the Metadata Adapter related to the session.
The method is blocking if executed outside of a batch, else it is non-blocking: outside of a batch, it will return only after receiving the Server response. Inside a batch, the method will return immediatly but the request will be processed only on batch commit (see commitBatch).

messageAny text string, to be interpreted by the Metadata Adapter.
LSPushServerExceptionThrown in case the server refuses the request with a specific error code.
LSPushConnectionExceptionThrown in case of any other problem (including if the client is not connected).
- (int) sendMessage: (LSMessageInfo *)  messageInfo
delegate: (id< LSMessageDelegate >)  delegate 

Sends a message to Lightstreamer Server.

The message is associated to the current session and is interpreted and managed by the Metadata Adapter related to the session.
Upon subsequent calls to the method, the sequential management of the messages is guaranteed. However, any message that, for any reason, doesn't reach the Server can be discarded by the Server if this causes the subsequent message to be kept waiting for longer than a configurable timeout. A shorter timeout can be associated with the subsequent message itself. A sequence identifier must also be associated with the messages; the sequential management is restricted to all subsets of messages with the same sequence identifier associated. In case the sequential management is undesired the special UNORDERED_MESSAGES sequence identifier can be used.
This method is always non-blocking: it will return immediately with a valid progressive number, but the message will be submitted later. If inside a batch, the message will be submitted on batch commit (see commitBatch), reporting errors in the commit result and the outcome asynchronously to the delegate. If outside of a batch, reporting both errors and the outcome asynchronously to the delegate.

messageInfoThe message string to be interpreted by the Metadata Adapter, the sequence this message has to be associated with and a delay timeout to be waited by the server for missing messages before considering them lost. A copy of the object is stored internally.
delegateReceives notification of the outcome of the message request.
Note: the delegate is stored in a weak reference.
A number representing the progressive number of the message within its sequence is returned (starting from 1). Note that each time a new session is established the progressive number is reset.
- (BOOL) sendMessage: (NSString *)  message
error: (NSError *__autoreleasing *)  error 

Sends a message to Lightstreamer Server.

Non-exception-throwing variant of sendMessage:, see for more information.

messageAny text string, to be interpreted by the Metadata Adapter.
errorIn case of error, upon return contains an NSError object that describes the problem.
YES if the message could be sent, NO if it couldn't. In the latter case, an error is provided.
- (NSArray *) subscribeItemsWithExtendedInfo: (LSExtendedTableInfo *)  tableInfo
delegate: (id< LSTableDelegate >)  delegate 

Subscribes to a set of items, which share the same schema and other subscription parameters.

All item and field names are provided. This requires that a LiteralBasedProvider or equivalent Metadata Adapter is configured on the Server, in order to understand the request.
The items are not collected as one table, but they are subscribed each in a different table. However, the items are subscribed alltogether with a single connection to the Server. The items unsubscription can be made either in a single operation (through unsubscribeTables:) or through independent unsubscribe operations.
Subscribed items are identified to the listener both by position and by by name. If the request fails, partial subscriptions are rolled back and and you may receive one or more unsubscription events table:didUnsubscribeItemPosition:itemName: (LSTableDelegate-p) on the delegate.
The method is blocking if executed outside of a batch, else it is non-blocking: outside of a batch, it will return only after receiving the Server response. Inside a batch, the method will return immediately with a valid array of handles, but the request will be processed only on batch commit (see commitBatch).

tableInfoContains the specification and request parameters of the items to subscribe to. A copy of the object is stored internally.
delegateReceives notification of data updates and subscription termination.
Note: the delegate is stored in a weak reference.
An array of handles to the subscribed tables, one for each item. The order of the handles reflects the order of the items in the item set description. The handles are needed for unsubscription.
LSPushClientExceptionThrown in case the parameters specify invalid or conflicting values.
LSPushServerExceptionThrown in case the server refuses the request with a specific error code.
LSPushConnectionExceptionThrown in case of any other problem (including if the client is not connected).
- (NSArray *) subscribeItemsWithExtendedInfo: (LSExtendedTableInfo *)  tableInfo
delegate: (id< LSTableDelegate >)  delegate
error: (NSError *__autoreleasing *)  error 

Subscribes to a set of items, which share the same schema and other subscription parameters.

Non-exception-throwing variant of subscribeItemsWithExtendedInfo:delegate:, see for more information.

tableInfoContains the specification and request parameters of the items to subscribe to. A copy of the object is stored internally.
delegateReceives notification of data updates and subscription termination.
Note: the delegate is stored in a weak reference.
errorIn case of error, upon return contains an NSError object that describes the problem.
An array of handles to the subscribed tables, one for each item. The order of the handles reflects the order of the items in the item set description. The handles are needed for unsubscription.
LSPushClientExceptionThrown in case the parameters specify invalid or conflicting values.
- (LSSubscribedTableKey *) subscribeTable: (LSTableInfo *)  tableInfo
delegate: (id< LSTableDelegate >)  delegate
useCommandLogic: (BOOL)  commandLogic 

Subscribes to a table through the Server.

The table is specified by group name and schema name. Specific item and field names have to be determined by the Metadata Adapter, and are identified to the delegate only by positional information, as item and field names are not known.
The method is blocking if executed outside of a batch, else it is non-blocking: outside of a batch, it will return only after receiving the Server response. Inside a batch, the method will return immediately with a valid handle, but the request will be processed only on batch commit (see commitBatch).

tableInfoContains the specification and request parameters of the items to subscribe to. A copy of the object is stored internally.
delegateReceives notification of data updates and subscription termination.
Note: the delegate is stored in a weak reference.
commandLogicIf YES, enables the notification of item updates with "COMMAND logic", This requires that the items are subscribed in LSModeCommand or behave equivalently; in particular, that the special "key" and "command" fields are included in the schema.
A handle to the subscribed table, to be used for unsubscription.
LSPushClientExceptionThrown in case the parameters specify invalid or conflicting values.
LSPushServerExceptionThrown in case the server refuses the request with a specific error code.
LSPushConnectionExceptionThrown in case of any other problem (including if the client is not connected).
- (LSSubscribedTableKey *) subscribeTable: (LSTableInfo *)  tableInfo
delegate: (id< LSTableDelegate >)  delegate
useCommandLogic: (BOOL)  commandLogic
error: (NSError *__autoreleasing *)  error 

Subscribes to a table through the Server.

The table is specified by group name and schema name. Non-exception-throwing variant of subscribeTable:delegate:useCommandLogic:, see for more information.

tableInfoContains the specification and request parameters of the items to subscribe to. A copy of the object is stored internally.
delegateReceives notification of data updates and subscription termination.
Note: the delegate is stored in a weak reference.
commandLogicIf YES, enables the notification of item updates with "COMMAND logic", This requires that the items are subscribed in LSModeCommand or behave equivalently; in particular, that the special "key" and "command" fields are included in the schema.
errorIn case of error, upon return contains an NSError object that describes the problem.
A handle to the subscribed table, to be used for unsubscription.
LSPushClientExceptionThrown in case the parameters specify invalid or conflicting values.
- (LSSubscribedTableKey *) subscribeTableWithExtendedInfo: (LSExtendedTableInfo *)  tableInfo
delegate: (id< LSTableDelegate >)  delegate
useCommandLogic: (BOOL)  commandLogic 

Subscribes to a table through the Server.

The table is specified by providing item and field names. This requires that a LiteralBasedProvider or equivalent Metadata Adapter is configured on the Server, in order to understand the request.
The method is blocking if executed outside of a batch, else it is non-blocking: outside of a batch, it will return only after receiving the Server response. Inside a batch, the method will return immediately with a valid handle, but the request will be processed only on batch commit (see commitBatch).

tableInfoContains the specification and request parameters of the items to subscribe to. A copy of the object is stored internally.
delegateReceives notification of data updates and subscription termination.
Note: the delegate is stored in a weak reference.
commandLogicIf YES, enables the notification of item updates with "COMMAND logic", This requires that the items are subscribed in LSModeCommand or behave equivalently; in particular, that the special "key" and "command" fields are included in the schema.
A handle to the subscribed table, to be used for unsubscription.
LSPushClientExceptionThrown in case the parameters specify invalid or conflicting values.
LSPushServerExceptionThrown in case the server refuses the request with a specific error code.
LSPushConnectionExceptionThrown in case of any other problem (including if the client is not connected).
- (LSSubscribedTableKey *) subscribeTableWithExtendedInfo: (LSExtendedTableInfo *)  tableInfo
delegate: (id< LSTableDelegate >)  delegate
useCommandLogic: (BOOL)  commandLogic
error: (NSError *__autoreleasing *)  error 

Subscribes to a table through the Server.

The table is specified by providing item and field names. Non-exception-throwing variant of subscribeTableWithExtendedInfo:delegate:useCommandLogic:, see for more information.

tableInfoContains the specification and request parameters of the items to subscribe to. A copy of the object is stored internally.
delegateReceives notification of data updates and subscription termination.
Note: the delegate is stored in a weak reference.
commandLogicIf YES, enables the notification of item updates with "COMMAND logic", This requires that the items are subscribed in LSModeCommand or behave equivalently; in particular, that the special "key" and "command" fields are included in the schema.
errorIn case of error, upon return contains an NSError object that describes the problem.
A handle to the subscribed table, to be used for unsubscription.
LSPushClientExceptionThrown in case the parameters specify invalid or conflicting values.
- (void) unsubscribeTable: (LSSubscribedTableKey *)  tableKey

Unsubscribes from a table previously subscribed to the Server.

If the request fails, the table has been unsubscribed anyway.
The method is blocking if executed outside of a batch, else it is non-blocking: outside of a batch, it will return only after receiving the Server response. Inside a batch, the method will return immediately but the request will be processed only on batch commit (see commitBatch). Note that the unsubscription notification is sent immediately in both cases.

tableKeyHandle to a table as returned by a subscribe call.
LSPushClientExceptionThrown in case the parameter specifies an invalid table handle.
LSPushServerExceptionThrown in case the server refuses the request with a specific error code. In this case, a zombie subscription will probably remain in the Server.
LSPushConnectionExceptionThrown in case of any other problem. In this case, a zombie subscription will probably remain in the Server.
- (BOOL) unsubscribeTable: (LSSubscribedTableKey *)  tableKey
error: (NSError *__autoreleasing *)  error 

Unsubscribes from a table previously subscribed to the Server.

Non-exception-throwing variant of unsubscribeTable:, see for more information.

tableKeyHandle to a table as returned by a subscribe call.
errorIn case of error, upon return contains an NSError object that describes the problem.
YES if the table could be unsubscribed, NO if it couldn't. In the latter case, an error is provided.
LSPushClientExceptionThrown in case the parameter specifies an invalid table handle.
- (void) unsubscribeTables: (NSArray *)  tableKeys

Unsubscribes from a set of tables previously subscribed to the Server.

The unsubscription requests are sent to the Server in a single connection. If some of the request fails, the tables have been unsubscribed anyway, but some zombie subscriptions may remain in the Server.
The method is blocking if executed outside of a batch, else it is non-blocking: outside of a batch, it will return only after receiving the Server response. Inside a batch, the method will return immediately but the request will be processed only on batch commit (see commitBatch). Note that unsubscription notifications are sent immediately in both cases.

tableKeysArray of handles to tables as returned by one or more subscribe calls.
- (BOOL) unsubscribeTables: (NSArray *)  tableKeys
error: (NSError *__autoreleasing *)  error 

Unsubscribes from a set of tables previously subscribed to the Server.

Non-exception-throwing variant of unsubscribeTables:, see for more information.

tableKeysArray of handles to tables as returned by one or more subscribe calls.
errorIn case of error, upon return contains an NSError object that describes the problem.
YES if the tables could be unsubscribed, NO if they couldn't. In the latter case, an error is provided.

Property Documentation

- (BOOL) batching

Tells if the client has an ongoing batch.

- (BOOL) connected

Tells if the client is connected.

If NO, any operation requiring an active connection will be refused.

- (LSConnectionStatus) connectionStatus

Tells the current connection status.

- (id<LSConnectionDelegate>) delegate

Tells the current connection delegate.

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