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activateMpn(MpnInfo, boolean) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.LSClient
Activates a mobile push notification (MPN) subscription for specific table and with a specific format.
adapter - Variable in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.ConnectionInfo
ID of the Adapter Set to be used to handle all requests in the session.


batchRequests(int) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.LSClient
Signals that the next subscription and unsubscription requests can be accumulated and sent to Lightstreamer Server with a single connection.


changeConstraints(ConnectionConstraints) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.LSClient
Requests new constraints to be applied on the overall data flow from the current connection.
changeSubscription(SubscribedTableKey, SubscriptionConstraints) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.LSClient
Dynamically changes subscription parameters on a table previously subscribed to the Server.
changeSubscriptions(SubscribedTableKey[], SubscriptionConstraints) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.LSClient
Dynamically changes subscription parameters on a set of tables previously subscribed to the Server.
checkStatus() - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.ls_client.mpn.MpnSubscription
Inquires the status of the MPN subscription on the Server.
clone() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.ConnectionConstraints
clone() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.ConnectionInfo
clone() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.ExtendedTableInfo
clone() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.mpn.MpnInfo
clone() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.SimpleTableInfo
clone() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.SubscriptionConstraints
closeBatch() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.LSClient
Closes a pending batch.
closeConnection() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.LSClient
Closes the connection to the Server, if one is open.
com.lightstreamer.ls_client - package com.lightstreamer.ls_client
com.lightstreamer.ls_client.mpn - package com.lightstreamer.ls_client.mpn
COMMAND - Static variable in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.SimpleTableInfo
String constant for COMMAND subscription mode.
ConnectionConstraints - Class in com.lightstreamer.ls_client
Collects constraints to be applied on the overall data flow from a Connection.
ConnectionConstraints() - Constructor for class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.ConnectionConstraints
Creates a connection constraints bean object with no constraints specified.
ConnectionInfo - Class in com.lightstreamer.ls_client
Collects the parameters related to a connection request to Lightstreamer Server.
ConnectionInfo() - Constructor for class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.ConnectionInfo
Creates a connection settings bean object with default settings specified.
ConnectionListener - Interface in com.lightstreamer.ls_client
Receives notifications of connection activity and errors.
constraints - Variable in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.ConnectionInfo
Configuration object that specifies the constraints to be applied on the overall data flow from the Connection.
contentLength - Variable in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.ConnectionInfo
The length to be used by the Server for the response body on a stream connection (a minimum length, however, is ensured by the server).


deactivate() - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.ls_client.mpn.MpnSubscription
Deactivates the MPN subscription.
deactivateAllMpn() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.LSClient
Deactivates all the MPN subscriptions for this device and application.
deactivateMpn(MpnSubscriptionStatus) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.LSClient
Deactivates mobile push notification (MPN) subscriptions with the specified status.
DISTINCT - Static variable in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.SimpleTableInfo
String constant for DISTINCT subscription mode.


enableControlLinkHandling - Variable in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.ConnectionInfo
If true, enables the automatic handling of the server address in order to bypass the load balancer server (if any) after the first connection and allow the cleanest communication possible between Lightstreamer client and server.
enableStreamSense - Variable in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.ConnectionInfo
If true, enables the Stream-sense feature; in case a streaming session is being opened (i.e. ConnectionInfo.isPolling is false) and no answer has been received on the newly opened connection after a few seconds (set through ConnectionInfo.streamingTimeoutMillis), the connection attempt is discarded and a new session opening attempt is performed in smart polling mode.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.ConnectionConstraints
equals(Object) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.ConnectionInfo
equals(Object) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.mpn.MpnKey
equals(Object) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.SubscriptionConstraints
ExtendedConnectionListener - Interface in com.lightstreamer.ls_client
Receives notifications of connection activity and errors.
ExtendedTableInfo - Class in com.lightstreamer.ls_client
Contains the specification of a table to be subscribed to Lightstreamer Server.
ExtendedTableInfo(String[], String, String[], boolean) - Constructor for class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.ExtendedTableInfo
Constructs a table specification with basic table attributes.


FIELDS_ERROR - Static variable in exception com.lightstreamer.ls_client.PushServerException
Indicates that an update has been received with an unexpected number of field values.
forceUnsubscribeTable(SubscribedTableKey) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.LSClient
Tries to unsubscribe from a table for which a previous unsubscribe has been called but an exception has been received.


getAdapterSet() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.SimpleTableInfo
When SimpleTableInfo is returned by a LSClient.inquireMpn(com.lightstreamer.ls_client.mpn.MpnKey) or LSClient.inquireMpn(com.lightstreamer.ls_client.mpn.MpnSubscriptionStatus), recalls the name of the Adapter Set used to activate the MPN subscription (MPN subscriptions are persistent, thus the original session may have used a different Adapter Set than the current one).
getBufferSize() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.SimpleTableInfo
Recalls the requested size for the Server ItemEventBuffer for all the items in the table.
getCachedMpnSubscription(MpnKey) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.LSClient
Looks up the details of a mobile push notification (MPN) subscription in the local cache, with the specified MPN key.
getCachedMpnSubscriptions() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.LSClient
Looks up the details of mobile push notification (MPN) subscriptions currently stored in the local cache.
getClient() - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.ls_client.mpn.MpnSubscription
The LSClient instance to that originated (i.e.
getCollapseKey() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.mpn.MpnInfo
The collapse key to be used with the mobile push notification.
getData() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.mpn.MpnInfo
The data to be used with the mobile push notification.
getDataAdapter() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.SimpleTableInfo
Recalls the name of the Data Adapter (within the Adapter Set used by the current session) that supplies all the items in the Table.
getDelayTimeout() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.MessageInfo
Recalls the delay timeout specified for this message.
getDelayWhileIdle() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.mpn.MpnInfo
The delay while idle flag to be used with the mobile push notification.
getDeviceStatus() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.mpn.MpnStatusInfo
Status of the MPN device (see MpnDeviceStatus for more information).
getDeviceStatusDate() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.mpn.MpnStatusInfo
Date and time when the MPN device status has been set.
getDistinctSnapshotLength() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.SimpleTableInfo
Recalls the requested length for the snapshot to be received for all the items in the table, provided that their subscription mode is DISTINCT.
getEnd() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.SimpleTableInfo
Recalls the position of the last item in the Group to be considered.
getErrorCode() - Method in exception com.lightstreamer.ls_client.PushServerException
Returns the detailed error code, to support automatic recovery actions.
getErrorCode() - Method in exception com.lightstreamer.ls_client.PushUserException
Returns the detailed error code, as received by the Server.
getFields() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.ExtendedTableInfo
Recalls the fields contained in this table.
getGroup() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.ExtendedTableInfo
Gets the name of the Group of items contained in this table, as specified to the Server.
getGroup() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.SimpleTableInfo
Recalls the name of the Group of items contained in this table.
getItemName() - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.ls_client.UpdateInfo
Gets the name of the item involved in the current update, if available.
getItemPos() - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.ls_client.UpdateInfo
Gets positional information for the item involved in the current update.
getItems() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.ExtendedTableInfo
Recalls the items contained in this table.
getMessage() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.MessageInfo
Recalls the message to be sent to the server.
getMode() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.SimpleTableInfo
Recalls the subscription mode for the items contained in this table.
getMpnInfo() - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.ls_client.mpn.MpnSubscription
The specifications of this MPN subscription.
getMpnKey() - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.ls_client.mpn.MpnSubscription
The MPN key identifying this MPN subscription.
getNewValue(int) - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.ls_client.UpdateInfo
Gets the value for a field as it is after the reception of this update.
getNewValue(String) - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.ls_client.UpdateInfo
Gets the value for a field as it is after the reception of this update.
getNumFields() - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.ls_client.UpdateInfo
Gets the total number of fields contained in the subscriprion schema.
getOldValue(int) - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.ls_client.UpdateInfo
Gets the value for a field as it was before the reception of this update.
getOldValue(String) - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.ls_client.UpdateInfo
Gets the value for a field as it was before the reception of this update.
getRequestedMaxFrequency() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.SimpleTableInfo
Recalls the requested maximum update frequency for all the items in the table.
getRestoredSubscriptions() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.mpn.MpnRegistrationIdChangeInfo
The number of MPN subscriptions reactivated with the registration ID change.
getResultCode() - Method in exception com.lightstreamer.ls_client.mpn.MpnRegistrationException
The result code obtained from GooglePlayServicesUtil.
getSchema() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.ExtendedTableInfo
Gets the name of the Schema of fields used in this table, as specified to the Server.
getSchema() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.SimpleTableInfo
Recalls the name of the Schema of fields used in this table.
getSelector() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.SimpleTableInfo
Recalls the selector to be applied by the Server to the updates.
getSequence() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.MessageInfo
Recalls sequence name specified for this message.
getStart() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.SimpleTableInfo
Recalls the position of the first item in the Group to be considered.
getSubscriptionId() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.mpn.MpnKey
The subscription ID to be used to access the MPN subscription.
getSubscriptionStatus() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.mpn.MpnStatusInfo
Status of the MPN subscription (see MpnSubscriptionStatus for more information).
getSubscriptionStatusDate() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.mpn.MpnStatusInfo
Date and time when the MPN subscription status has been set.
getTableInfo() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.mpn.MpnInfo
The specification of the table to be subscribed.
getTimeToLive() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.mpn.MpnInfo
The time to live to be used with the mobile push notification.
getTriggerExpression() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.mpn.MpnInfo
Specifies a boolean expression that, when set, will be evaluated against each table update and will act as a trigger to deliver the mobile push notification.


HandyTableListener - Interface in com.lightstreamer.ls_client
A fully-featured listener interface, which receives notification of data updates and subscription termination for a table.
hashCode() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.mpn.MpnKey


inquireAllMpn() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.LSClient
Inquires the details of all mobile push notification (MPN) subscriptions of this device and application.
inquireMpn(MpnKey) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.LSClient
Inquires the details of a mobile push notification (MPN) subscription with the specified MPN key.
inquireMpn(MpnSubscriptionStatus) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.LSClient
Inquires the details of mobile push notification (MPN) subscriptions with the specified status.
isDeactivated() - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.ls_client.mpn.MpnSubscription
Tells if this MPN subscription has been deactivated or not.
isPolling - Variable in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.ConnectionInfo
If set to true, data streaming is simulated through a smart polling mechanism, that is a sequence of synchronous connections to the Server, each of which will receive the currently available updates, or wait until one is available.
isSnapshot() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.SimpleTableInfo
Recalls whether or not the snapshot is being asked for the items contained in this table.
isSnapshot() - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.ls_client.UpdateInfo
Asks whether the current update pertains to the item snapshot.
isUnfilteredDispatching() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.SimpleTableInfo
Recalls the filtering behavior for all the items in the table.
isValueChanged(int) - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.ls_client.UpdateInfo
Asks whether the value for a field has changed after the reception of this update.
isValueChanged(String) - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.ls_client.UpdateInfo
Asks whether the value for a field has changed after the reception of this update.
ITEMS_ERROR - Static variable in exception com.lightstreamer.ls_client.PushServerException
Indicates that an update has been received with an unexpected item number.


keepaliveMillis - Variable in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.ConnectionInfo
Keepalive time requested for the stream connection.


LSClient - Class in com.lightstreamer.ls_client
Encapsulates a single connector to Lightstreamer Server.
LSClient() - Constructor for class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.LSClient
Empty constructor.


maxBandwidth - Variable in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.ConnectionConstraints
Bandwidth constraint, in Kbit/sec, for data flow from the Connection.
MAXFREQ_ERROR - Static variable in exception com.lightstreamer.ls_client.PushServerException
Indicates that a request to change subscription constraints has been refused because a maximum frequency was specified for an unfiltered subscription.
maxFrequency - Variable in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.SubscriptionConstraints
Maximum update frequency constraint; a 0 value means that no frequency limit should be set.
MERGE - Static variable in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.SimpleTableInfo
String constant for MERGE subscription mode.
MESSAGE_ERROR - Static variable in exception com.lightstreamer.ls_client.PushServerException
Indicates that a message outcome has been received with an unexpected message sequence/number.
MessageInfo - Class in com.lightstreamer.ls_client
A Message object that will be sent to a Lightstreamer Server through a call to LSClient.sendMessage(MessageInfo,SendMessageListener).
MessageInfo(String, String) - Constructor for class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.MessageInfo
Create an object to be used to send a message to a Lightstreamer Server.
MessageInfo(String, String, int) - Constructor for class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.MessageInfo
Create an object to be used to send a message to a Lightstreamer Server.
modify(MpnInfo) - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.ls_client.mpn.MpnSubscription
Modifies the specifications of the MPN subscription.
MpnDeviceStatus - Enum in com.lightstreamer.ls_client.mpn
The MpnDeviceStatus enum contains the possible statuses of an MPN device.
MpnInfo - Class in com.lightstreamer.ls_client.mpn
Contains the table and format specification of mobile push notifications (MPN) to be sent on the update of an MPN subscription.
MpnInfo(SimpleTableInfo, String) - Constructor for class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.mpn.MpnInfo
Creates an MpnInfo object with the specified parameters.
MpnInfo(SimpleTableInfo, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.mpn.MpnInfo
Creates an MpnInfo object with the specified parameters.
MpnInfo(SimpleTableInfo, String, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.mpn.MpnInfo
Creates an MpnInfo object with the specified parameters.
MpnInfo(SimpleTableInfo, String, Map<String, String>, String, String) - Constructor for class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.mpn.MpnInfo
Creates an MpnInfo object with the specified parameters.
MpnKey - Class in com.lightstreamer.ls_client.mpn
Contains the MPN subscription ID to be used access an MPN subscription.
MpnKey(String) - Constructor for class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.mpn.MpnKey
Creates an MpnKey object with the specified parameters.
MpnRegistrationException - Exception in com.lightstreamer.ls_client.mpn
Thrown in case of a missing precondition when trying to register the device on GCM service.
MpnRegistrationException(String) - Constructor for exception com.lightstreamer.ls_client.mpn.MpnRegistrationException
Used by Lightstreamer to create a MpnRegistrationException.
MpnRegistrationException(String, int) - Constructor for exception com.lightstreamer.ls_client.mpn.MpnRegistrationException
Used by Lightstreamer to create a MpnRegistrationException.
MpnRegistrationIdChangeInfo - Class in com.lightstreamer.ls_client.mpn
Contains additional information about the result of a registration ID change on the Server.
MpnRegistrationIdChangeInfo(int) - Constructor for class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.mpn.MpnRegistrationIdChangeInfo
Creates an MpnRegistraionIdChangeInfo object with the specified parameters.
MpnRegistrationIdStatus - Enum in com.lightstreamer.ls_client.mpn
Contains the possible statuses of a registration ID.
MpnRegistrationListener - Interface in com.lightstreamer.ls_client.mpn
Receives notifications about device registration activity and errors.
MpnStatusInfo - Class in com.lightstreamer.ls_client.mpn
The MpnStatusInfo class contains additional information about the status of a mobile push notification (MPN) subscription (see MpnSubscription.checkStatus()).
MpnStatusInfo(MpnSubscriptionStatus, Date, MpnDeviceStatus, Date) - Constructor for class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.mpn.MpnStatusInfo
Creates an LSMPNStatusInfo object with the specified parameters.
MpnSubscription - Interface in com.lightstreamer.ls_client.mpn
The MpnSubscription class wraps the key (as an MpnKey object) and the specifications (as an MpnInfo object) of a mobile push notifications (MPN) subscription.
MpnSubscriptionStatus - Enum in com.lightstreamer.ls_client.mpn
The MpnSubscriptionStatus enum contains the possible statuses of an MPN subscription.


NO_ANSWER - Static variable in exception com.lightstreamer.ls_client.PushServerException
Indicates an empty output from the Server.


onAbort(MessageInfo, int, Exception) - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.ls_client.SendMessageListener
Notification that the outcome of a sent message will not be received.
onActivityWarning(boolean) - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.ls_client.ConnectionListener
Notification that the connection is stalled (i.e. nothing has been received on the connection for more than the ConnectionInfo.probeWarningMillis timeout) or that the connection is working again after being notified as stalled.
onClose() - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.ls_client.ConnectionListener
Notification of the closure of the Connection.
onConnectionEstablished() - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.ls_client.ConnectionListener
Notification of the opening of the connection to the Server.
onDataError(PushServerException) - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.ls_client.ConnectionListener
Notification that a block of data received from the Server could not be correctly interpreted.
onEnd(int) - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.ls_client.ConnectionListener
Notification of the closure of the Connection because of a Server side decision.
onError(int, String, MessageInfo, int) - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.ls_client.SendMessageListener
Notification of an error which prevents the correct handling of a Message sent through LSClient.sendMessage(MessageInfo,SendMessageListener) from being accomplished.
onFailure(PushServerException) - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.ls_client.ConnectionListener
Notification of the closure of the Connection because of an unrecoverable error in data coming from the Server.
onFailure(PushConnException) - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.ls_client.ConnectionListener
Notification of the closure of the Connection because of a connection problem.
onNewBytes(long) - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.ls_client.ConnectionListener
Notification of the reception of some data bytes from the Server, for statistical purposes.
onProcessed(MessageInfo, int) - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.ls_client.SendMessageListener
Notification of the successful processing of a sent message
onRawUpdatesLost(int, String, int) - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.ls_client.HandyTableListener
Notification of one or more updates that were suppressed in the Server because of internal memory limitations.
onSessionStarted(boolean) - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.ls_client.ConnectionListener
Notification that a session has been started by the Server on the connection.
onSessionStarted(boolean, String) - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.ls_client.ExtendedConnectionListener
Notification that a session has been started by the Server on the connection.
onSnapshotEnd(int, String) - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.ls_client.HandyTableListener
Notification that no more snapshot events are coming for an item.
onUnsubscr(int, String) - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.ls_client.HandyTableListener
Notification of the unsubscription of an item in the table.
onUnsubscrAll() - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.ls_client.HandyTableListener
Notification of the unsubscription of all the items in the table.
onUpdate(int, String, UpdateInfo) - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.ls_client.HandyTableListener
Notification of an update of the values for an item in the table.
openConnection(ConnectionInfo, ConnectionListener) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.LSClient
Opens a connection to the Server with the supplied parameters.


password - Variable in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.ConnectionInfo
User password to be supplied to the Server in the connection request.
pollingIdleMillis - Variable in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.ConnectionInfo
Maximum time the Server is allowed to wait for updates in case none are available at connection time and a poll connection has been requested.
pollingMillis - Variable in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.ConnectionInfo
Time between the end of a poll connection and the start of the next one, if polling behaviour has been specified.
probeTimeoutMillis - Variable in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.ConnectionInfo
Timeout for activity checks, expressed in milliseconds.
probeWarningMillis - Variable in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.ConnectionInfo
Timeout for activity check warnings, expressed in milliseconds.
PROTOCOL_ERROR - Static variable in exception com.lightstreamer.ls_client.PushServerException
Indicates a Server answer not consistent with the requests.
PushConnException - Exception in com.lightstreamer.ls_client
Thrown when the connection to Lightstreamer Server cannot be established or in case of abnormal connection termination.
PushConnException(IOException) - Constructor for exception com.lightstreamer.ls_client.PushConnException
Used by Lightstreamer to create a PushConnException.
PushConnException(String) - Constructor for exception com.lightstreamer.ls_client.PushConnException
Used by Lightstreamer to create a PushConnException.
PushConnException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.lightstreamer.ls_client.PushConnException
Used by Lightstreamer to create a PushConnException.
pushServerControlUrl - Variable in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.ConnectionInfo
Lightstreamer Server URL (without the path part) to be used for control requests; e.g.
PushServerException - Exception in com.lightstreamer.ls_client
Thrown in case of an unexpected answer or error condition received from Lightstreamer Server.
PushServerException(int, String) - Constructor for exception com.lightstreamer.ls_client.PushServerException
Used by Lightstreamer to create a PushServerException.
PushServerException(int) - Constructor for exception com.lightstreamer.ls_client.PushServerException
Used by Lightstreamer to create a PushServerException.
PushServerException(int, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.lightstreamer.ls_client.PushServerException
Used by Lightstreamer to create a PushServerException.
pushServerUrl - Variable in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.ConnectionInfo
Lightstreamer Server URL, without the path part; e.g.
PushUserException - Exception in com.lightstreamer.ls_client
Thrown in case the Server refuses to satisfy a request because of the constraints imposed by the Metadata Adapter or by Server configuration.
PushUserException(int, String) - Constructor for exception com.lightstreamer.ls_client.PushUserException
Used by Lightstreamer to create a PushUserException.


RAW - Static variable in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.SimpleTableInfo
String constant for RAW subscription mode.
RECONNECTION_TIMEOUT - Static variable in exception com.lightstreamer.ls_client.PushServerException
Indicates that an attempt to reconnect to a session has not received any answer for longer than a configurable timeout time.
reconnectionTimeoutMillis - Variable in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.ConnectionInfo
The maximum elapsed time in milliseconds allowed for a successful reconnection attempt.
registerForMpn(Context, String, MpnRegistrationListener) - Static method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.LSClient
Registers the current device and application on the GCM service, obtaining an appropriate registration ID for subsequent calls related to mobile push notifications (MPN).
registrationFailed(Exception) - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.ls_client.mpn.MpnRegistrationListener
Notification that the device registration on GCM sercice has failed.
registrationIdChangeFailed(Exception) - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.ls_client.mpn.MpnRegistrationListener
Notification that the registration ID change has been tried on the Server and failed.
registrationIdChangeSucceeded(MpnRegistrationIdChangeInfo) - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.ls_client.mpn.MpnRegistrationListener
Notification that the registration ID has been successully changed on the Server.
registrationSucceeded(String, MpnRegistrationIdStatus) - Method in interface com.lightstreamer.ls_client.mpn.MpnRegistrationListener
Notification that the device has been successully registered on GCM service and a registration ID has been obtained.
requestUnfilteredDispatching() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.SimpleTableInfo
Requests that events for the items in the table are dispatched in an unfiltered way.


sendMessage(String) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.LSClient
Sends a message to Lightstreamer Server.
sendMessage(MessageInfo, SendMessageListener) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.LSClient
Send a message to Lightstreamer Server.
SendMessageListener - Interface in com.lightstreamer.ls_client
Receives notifications of server responses to sent messages.
SERVER_REFUSAL - Static variable in exception com.lightstreamer.ls_client.PushServerException
Indicates that a request has been unexpectedly refused by the Server.
SERVER_TIMEOUT - Static variable in exception com.lightstreamer.ls_client.PushServerException
Indicates that the Server has not sent data updates or probes on the connection for longer than a configurable timeout time.
setCollapseKey(String) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.mpn.MpnInfo
Specifies the collapse key to be used with the mobile push notification.
setData(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.mpn.MpnInfo
Specifies the data to be used with the mobile push notification.
setDataAdapter(String) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.SimpleTableInfo
Specifies the name of the Data Adapter (within the Adapter Set used by the current session) that supplies all the items in the Group.
setDelayWhileIdle(String) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.mpn.MpnInfo
Specifies the delay while idle flag to be used with the mobile push notification.
setRange(int, int) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.ExtendedTableInfo
Inherited from SimpleTableInfo, but ignored in this case.
setRange(int, int) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.SimpleTableInfo
Specifies a subrange of the specified Group of items to be requested.
setRequestedBufferSize(int) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.SimpleTableInfo
Sets the requested size for the Server ItemEventBuffer for all the items in the table.
setRequestedDistinctSnapshotLength(int) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.SimpleTableInfo
Sets the requested length for the snapshot to be received for all the items in the table.
setRequestedMaxFrequency(double) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.SimpleTableInfo
Sets the maximum update frequency for all the items in the table.
setSelector(String) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.SimpleTableInfo
Specifies a selector to be applied by the Server to the updates pertaining to all the Items in the Group.
setTableInfo(SimpleTableInfo) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.mpn.MpnInfo
Sets the specification of the table to be subscribed.
setTimeToLive(String) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.mpn.MpnInfo
Specifies the time to live to be used with the mobile push notification.
setTriggerExpression(String) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.mpn.MpnInfo
Specifies a boolean expression that, when set, will be evaluated against each table update and will act as a trigger to deliver the mobile push notification.
SimpleTableInfo - Class in com.lightstreamer.ls_client
Contains the specification of a table to be subscribed to Lightstreamer Server.
SimpleTableInfo(String, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.SimpleTableInfo
Constructs a table specification with basic table attributes.
streamingTimeoutMillis - Variable in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.ConnectionInfo
The maximum elapsed time in milliseconds allowed for the first successful streaming connection attempt on a streaming session.
SubscrException - Exception in com.lightstreamer.ls_client
Thrown if a subscription or unsubscription specification is not correct or the request cannot be executed for some reason.
SubscrException(String) - Constructor for exception com.lightstreamer.ls_client.SubscrException
Used by Lightstreamer to create a SubscrException.
SubscribedTableKey - Class in com.lightstreamer.ls_client
Key object to be used to unsubscribe from tables.
SubscribedTableKey() - Constructor for class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.SubscribedTableKey
Used by Lightstreamer to create an instance of a SubscribedTableKey.
subscribeItems(ExtendedTableInfo, HandyTableListener) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.LSClient
Subscribes to a set of items, which share the same schema and other subscription parameters.
subscribeTable(SimpleTableInfo, HandyTableListener, boolean) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.LSClient
Subscribes to a table through the Server.
subscribeTable(ExtendedTableInfo, HandyTableListener, boolean) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.LSClient
Subscribes to a table through the Server.
SubscriptionConstraints - Class in com.lightstreamer.ls_client
Collects constraints to be applied on a subscription, to change the currently set parameters for all the involved items.
SubscriptionConstraints() - Constructor for class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.SubscriptionConstraints
Creates a subscription constraints bean object with no constraints specified.
SYNC_ERROR - Static variable in exception com.lightstreamer.ls_client.PushServerException
Indicates that the connection content length has been consumed but the binding to the same session with a new connection has failed.
SYNTAX_ERROR - Static variable in exception com.lightstreamer.ls_client.PushServerException
Indicates an illegal output from the Server.


TABLE_ERROR - Static variable in exception com.lightstreamer.ls_client.PushServerException
Indicates that an update has been received with an unexpected table number.
toString() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.ConnectionConstraints
toString() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.ConnectionInfo
toString() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.MessageInfo
toString() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.mpn.MpnInfo
toString() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.SubscriptionConstraints


unbatchRequest() - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.LSClient
Signals that one of the requests previously scheduled for batching is no longer going to be issued.
UNEXPECTED_END - Static variable in exception com.lightstreamer.ls_client.PushServerException
Indicates that the Server connection ended in the handshaking phase.
UNEXPECTED_ERROR - Static variable in exception com.lightstreamer.ls_client.PushServerException
Indicates an unexpected exception in the client.
UNORDERED_MESSAGES - Static variable in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.MessageInfo
Constant representing the special sequence name to be used to prevent the sequential management of the messages on the server.
unsubscribeTable(SubscribedTableKey) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.LSClient
Unsubscribes from a table previously subscribed to the Server.
unsubscribeTables(SubscribedTableKey[]) - Method in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.LSClient
Unsubscribes from a set of tables previously subscribed to the Server.
UpdateInfo - Interface in com.lightstreamer.ls_client
Implemented by Lightstreamer to provide information about an update for a subscribed item.
user - Variable in class com.lightstreamer.ls_client.ConnectionInfo
User name to be supplied to the Server in the connection request.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.lightstreamer.ls_client.mpn.MpnDeviceStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.lightstreamer.ls_client.mpn.MpnRegistrationIdStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.lightstreamer.ls_client.mpn.MpnSubscriptionStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.lightstreamer.ls_client.mpn.MpnDeviceStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.lightstreamer.ls_client.mpn.MpnRegistrationIdStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.lightstreamer.ls_client.mpn.MpnSubscriptionStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
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