Lightstreamer WinRT Client 1.0.2
LSClient Members Public Methods
Public Methods
Signals that the next subscription and unsubscription requests can be accumulated and sent to Lightstreamer Server with a single connection. All the subsequent requests will be stopped until the declared number of requests has been accumulated. For this reason, subscription requests can be included in a batch only if they belong to separate threads; sequential requests cannot be processed in the same batch. Any subscribe* and unsubscribe* can be batched. Calls to ForceUnsubscribeTable are not batched. Batches are cumulative; if a call to BatchRequests is performed while a previous batch is still accumulating, the previous batch is extended. At connection... more 
Requests new constraints to be applied on the overall data flow from the current Connection. The new limits override the limits requested with the connection operation or the last call to this method (a constraint not set means an unlimited constraint and may override a previous limiting constraint). They can only be used in order to restrict the constraints set by Lightstreamer Server Metadata Adapter. If the connection is not active, the call has no effect.
The method is blocking; it returns only after receiving the Server answer upon the request submission.
Dynamically changes subscription parameters on a table previously subscribed to the Server. The new parameters override the ones requested with the subscription operation or the last call to this method. No notification to the table listener is available for this operation.
The server may refuse to apply certain constraints under specific conditions, for example when changing the max frequency of an unfiltered subscription. In these cases a PushServerException will be raised.
The method is blocking; it returns only after receiving the Server answer upon the request submission. This kind of request is not included in a batch.
Dynamically changes subscription parameters on a set of tables previously subscribed to the Server. The request is sent to the Server in a single connection. For each table, the new parameters override the ones requested with the subscription operation or the last call to this method. No notification to the table listeners is available for this operation.
The server may refuse to apply certain constraints under specific conditions, for example when changing the max frequency of an unfiltered subscription. In these cases a PushServerException will be raised.
The method is blocking; it returns only after receiving the Server answer upon... more 
Closes a pending batch. If a batch size was declared and the current batch is still accumulating requests, the current set of requests is sent the same to Lightstreamer Server, while further requests will not be batched. The client can call this in order to overcome a possible error in sending a batch of requests, since, if less than the declared requests were performed, all requests would be blocked until the declared number of requests has been reached. Calling CloseBatch is always safe; however, since batched requests are blocked until completion of the batch, there is no guarantee that all... more 
Closes the connection to the Server, if one is open.
The method can be blocking; in case a connection attempt is currently in place, that attempt is completed first.
Tries to unsubscribe from a table for which a previous unsubscribe has been called but an exception has been received. In this case, a zombie subscription may have remained in the Server. This call does not affect client behavior, but the client can try it in order to force a new server side unsubscription attempt. If the call succeeds, a zombie subscription has been indeed eliminated.
The method is blocking; it returns only after receiving the Server answer upon the request submission. This kind of request is not included in a batch.
Empty constructor. 
Opens a connection to the Server with the supplied parameters. More precisely, the Server will initiate a push session for this client, which will be accessed through a streaming connection or through a train of polling connections, depending on the configuration parameters. If a connection is already open, it is closed first.
If streaming (as opposed to polling) is specified in the connection parameters and the environment does not allow HTTP streaming, then the "Stream-sense" feature, if enabled, is activated; hence, if the streaming connection has not yielded any data after a few seconds, a polling connection is tried instead.... more 
This is the overview for the SendMessage method overload. 
Sets the ILoggerProvider instance that will be used by the classes of the library to obtain ILogger instances used to propagate internal logging. Providing a new provider to the library permits to consume the log produced through custom ILogger implementation.
As soon as a new ILoggerProvider is provided all the instances of ILogger already in use in the library are discarded and substituted with instanced obtained from this new instance. If a null value is provided, the default consumers, that discard all the log, are enabled.
Subscribes to a set of items, which share the same schema and other subscription parameters. All item and field names are provided. This requires that a LiteralBasedProvider or equivalent Metadata Adapter is configured on the Server, in order to understand the request.
The items are not collected as one table, but they are subscribed each in a different table. However, the items are subscribed alltogether with a single connection to the Server. The items unsubscription can be made either in a single operation (through UnsubscribeTables) or through independent unsubscribe operations.
A fully-featured listener interface is provided.
Subscribed items are... more 
This is the overview for the SubscribeTable method overload. 
Signals that one of the requests previously scheduled for batching is no longer going to be issued. Should be called after BatchRequests, if something happened that prevented one of the scheduled requests from being issued. In such a case, not calling UnbatchRequest would keep the batch blocked until a further request is performed. Calling UnbatchRequest is always safe.  
Unsubscribes from a table previously subscribed to the Server. If the request fails, the table has been unsubscribed anyway.
The method is blocking; it returns only after receiving the Server answer upon the request submission. In case a batch is open, this will happen only upon the execution of the batch.
Unsubscribes from a set of tables previously subscribed to the Server. The unsubscription requests are sent to the Server in a single connection. If some of the supplied tables are not currently subscribed or have already been unsubscribed, no notification is sent. If the request fails, all the tables have been unsubscribed anyway.
The method is blocking; it returns only after receiving the Server answer upon the request submission; in case a batch is open, this will happen only upon the execution of the batch.