Lightstreamer iOS Client  1.4.4
Native iOS Client library for Lightstreamer
Classes | Enumerations
LSConnectionInfo.h File Reference
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>


class  LSConnectionInfo
 The LSConnectionInfo class collects the parameters related to a connection request to Lightstreamer Server. More...


enum  LSMaxConcurrentSessionsPerServerExceededPolicy { LSMaxConcurrentSessionsPerServerExceededPolicyNone = 0, LSMaxConcurrentSessionsPerServerExceededPolicyUsePolling, LSMaxConcurrentSessionsPerServerExceededPolicyBlock }
 The LSMaxConcurrentSessionsPerServerExceededPolicy enum specifies which action to take when the maximum number of concurrenct streaming connections is exceed. More...

Enumeration Type Documentation

The LSMaxConcurrentSessionsPerServerExceededPolicy enum specifies which action to take when the maximum number of concurrenct streaming connections is exceed.

Possible actions are:

  • None: no action will be taken, the exceed connection(s) will be automatically suspended by the system until an active connection is closed;
  • Use Polling: the exceeding connection(s) will revert to standard polling, thus ensuring that the limit is exceed for shortest possible time and giving a chance to each connection to do its job;
  • Block: the exceeding connection(s) will be prevented by raising an exception.