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Lightstreamer iOS Client
Native iOS Client library for Lightstreamer
The iOS, OS X and tvOS Client Libraries, from version 2.0 on, follow the Unified Client API model: a common API model used across all Lightstreamer client libraries.
Obtaining a connection and subscribing to a table is a simple and straightforward procedure:
Note: as of version 2.0, iOS, OS X and tvOS client libraries do not contain Mobile Push Notifications (MPN) APIs. They will be added in a subsequest release of the Unified Client API model. In the meantime, you can still have full MPN functionalities by using previous client libraries: 1.4.x for iOS, 1.2.x for OS X and 1.0.x for tvOS, which are still available and supported.
To create an instance of LSLightstreamerClient simply allocate and initialize it:
LSLightstreamerClient *client= [[LSLightstreamerClient alloc] initWithServerAddress:@"http://myserver.mydomain.com" adapterSet:@"MY_ADAPTER_SET"];
You can set additional connection parameters on LSLightstreamerClient::connectionDetails and LSLightstreamerClient::connectionOptions. E.g.:
client.connectionDetails.user= @"my_user";
[client.connectionDetails setPassword:@"my_password"];
client.connectionOptions.maxBandwidth= @"100";
Before connecting you may want to add a delegate:
[client addDelegate:self];
Done this, connect using connect (LSLightstreamerClient):
[client connect];
Please note that this call is now asynchronous: it will not block and return immeditaly. You may safely use it on the main thread. Connection progress will be notified through delegate events.
Added delegates will receive the client:didChangeStatus: (LSClientDelegate-p) event each time the connection changes its status:
- (void) client:(nonnull LSLightstreamerClient *)client didChangeStatus:(nonnull NSString *)status {
if ([status hasPrefix:@"CONNECTED:"]) {
// ...
Once the connection is established you will receive a notification with a status beginning with "CONNECTED:". See event documentation for more information.
You don't have to wait for a connection to be established to subscribe. You may safely subscribe in any moment, the subscription will be delivered to the server as soon as a session has been created.
To create a subscription allocate and initialize an LSSubscription instance and set its properties with the desired values:
LSSubscription *subscription= [[LSSubscription alloc] initWithSubscriptionMode:@"MERGE"];
subscription.items= @[@"my_item_1", @"my_item_2"];
subscription.fields= @[@"my_field_1", @"my_field_2"];
subscription.dataAdapter= @"MY_ADAPTER";
subscription.requestedSnapshot= @"yes";
[subscription addDelegate:self];
Once the subscription is set, subscribe using subscribe: (LSLightstreamerClient):
[client subscribe:subscription];
The library keeps memory of active subscriptions and automatically resubscribes them if the connection drops.
Subscription delegates will receive the subscription:didUpdateItem: (LSSubscriptionDelegate-p) event each time an update is received:
- (void) subscription:(nonnull LSSubscription *)subscription didUpdateItem:(nonnull LSItemUpdate *)itemUpdate {
NSString *value= [itemUpdate valueWithFieldName:"my_field_1"];
// ...
Congratulations! Your subscription with Lightstreamer Server is now set up!
To close the connection simply call disconnect (LSLightstreamerClient):
[client disconnect];