Class: DataProvider

lightstreamer-adapter/dataprovider~ DataProvider

new DataProvider

Data provider constructor.
This object extends the EventEmitter object and emits the following events:
  • subscribe: function(itemName, response) {}
  • unsubscribe: function(itemName, response) {}
The response argument is a DataResponse object and one of its methods, error or success, must be called in order to reply to the request bound to the event.
Name Type Argument Description
reqRespStream Stream the request/reply stream channel to the remote LS proxy adapter
notifyStream Stream the asynchronous stream channel to the remote LS proxy adapter
isSnapshotAvailable Function <optional>
optional callback the receive an itemName as argument and must return a boolean value asserting if the iteam supports snapshot. The default value is function(itemName) {return false;}

Method Summary

Sends an end of snapshot message for a particular item to the remote LS proxy.
Sends a failure message to the remote LS proxy.
Returns the configured notify stream.
Returns the configured request/reply stream.
Sends an update for a particular item to the remote LS proxy.

Method Detail

<inner> endOfSnapshot

Sends an end of snapshot message for a particular item to the remote LS proxy.
Name Type Description
itemName String the item name

<inner> failure

Sends a failure message to the remote LS proxy.
Name Type Description
exception String the exception message

<inner> getNotifyStream

Returns the configured notify stream.
Object the stream

<inner> getReqRespStream

Returns the configured request/reply stream.
Object the stream

<inner> update

Sends an update for a particular item to the remote LS proxy.
Name Type Description
itemName String the item name
isSnapshot Boolean is it a snapshot?
data Object an associative array of strings that represents the data to be published