Node.js Client 8.0.5



Abstract class serving as a base class for appender classes for the SimpleLoggerProvider. An instance of an appender class can be added to a SimpleLoggerProvider instance in order to consume log lines.
Various classes that extend LogAppender and that consume the log lines in various ways are provided. The definition of custom appender implementations is supported through the usage of the Inheritance utility.


new SimpleLogAppender(level, category)

This is an abstract class; no instances of this class should be created.

Name Type Description
level String

The threshold level at which the SimpleLogAppender is created. It should be one of "DEBUG", "INFO", "WARN", "ERROR" and "FATAL". If not or wrongly specified INFO is assumed.

category String

The category this appender should listen to. If not specified the appender will get log for every available category.


(protected) composeLine(category, level, mex, header) → {String}

Utility method that can be used by subclasses to join various info in a single line. The message will be composed this way: category + " | " + level + " | " + header + " | " + mex

Name Type Description
category String

the message category

level String

the message level

mex String

the message itself

header String

a custom header


getCategoryFilter() → {String}

Inquiry method that returns the category for this SimpleLogAppender instance. A SimpleLogAppender only receives log lines from the Logger associated to the returned category, unless "*" is returned, in which case it receives log from all loggers.


The category of this SimpleLogAppender instance, or "*".


getLevel() → {String}

Inquiry method that returns the current threshold level of this SimpleLogAppender instance.


the level of this SimpleLogAppender instance. It will be one of "DEBUG", "INFO", "WARN", "ERROR" and "FATAL".


log(category, level, mex, header)

This implementation is empty. This is the method that is supposedly written by subclasses to publish log messages

Name Type Description
category String

the logger category that produced the given message.

level String

the logging level of the given message. It should be one of DEBUG INFO WARN ERROR FATAL.

mex String

the message to be logged. It could be a String instance, an Error instance or any other object, provided that it has a toString method.

header String

a header for the message


Setter method that changes the current category of this SimpleLogAppender instance.
This SimpleLogAppender will only receive log lines from the Logger associated to the specified category, unless "*" is specified, in which case it will receive log from all loggers.
the filter can be changed at any time and will affect subsequent log lines.

Name Type Attributes Description
category String <optional>

the new category for this SimpleLogAppender, or "". If not specified "" is assumed


Setter method that changes the current threshold level of this SimpleLogAppender instance. The filter can be changed at any time and will affect subsequent log lines

Name Type Attributes Description
level String <optional>

The new level for this SimpleLogAppender instance. It should be one of "DEBUG", "INFO", "WARN", "ERROR" and "FATAL". If not or wrongly specified INFO will be used.


Called by SimpleLoggerProvider to notify itself to a newly added appender.

Name Type Description
loggerProvider SimpleLoggerProvider

the SimpleLoggerProvider instance handling this appender.