interface Logger
package com.lightstreamer.log
Interface to be implemented to consume log from the library.
Instances of implemented classes are obtained by the library through the LoggerProvider instance set on LightstreamerClient.setLoggerProvider
fatal(line:String, ?exception:NativeException):Void
Receives log messages at Fatal level and a related exception.
line | The message to be logged. |
exception | An Exception instance related to the current log message. |
error(line:String, ?exception:NativeException):Void
Receives log messages at Error level and a related exception.
line | The message to be logged. |
exception | An Exception instance related to the current log message. |
warn(line:String, ?exception:NativeException):Void
Receives log messages at Warn level and a related exception.
line | The message to be logged. |
exception | An Exception instance related to the current log message. |
info(line:String, ?exception:NativeException):Void
Receives log messages at Info level and a related exception.
line | The message to be logged. |
exception | An Exception instance related to the current log message. |
debug(line:String, ?exception:NativeException):Void
Receives log messages at Debug level and a related exception.
line | The message to be logged. |
exception | An Exception instance related to the current log message. |
trace(line:String, ?exception:NativeException):Void
Receives log messages at Trace level and a related exception.
line | The message to be logged. |
exception | An Exception instance related to the current log message. |
Checks if this logger is enabled for the Fatal level.
The property should be true if this logger is enabled for Fatal events, false otherwise.
This property is intended to lessen the computational cost of disabled log Fatal statements. Note
that even if the property is false, Fatal log lines may be received anyway by the Fatal methods.
Checks if this logger is enabled for the Error level.
The property should be true if this logger is enabled for Error events, false otherwise.
This property is intended to lessen the computational cost of disabled log Error statements. Note
that even if the property is false, Error log lines may be received anyway by the Error methods.
Checks if this logger is enabled for the Warn level.
The property should be true if this logger is enabled for Warn events, false otherwise.
This property is intended to lessen the computational cost of disabled log Warn statements. Note
that even if the property is false, Warn log lines may be received anyway by the Warn methods.
Checks if this logger is enabled for the Info level.
The property should be true if this logger is enabled for Info events, false otherwise.
This property is intended to lessen the computational cost of disabled log Info statements. Note
that even if the property is false, Info log lines may be received anyway by the Info methods.
Checks if this logger is enabled for the Debug level.
The property should be true if this logger is enabled for Debug events, false otherwise.
This property is intended to lessen the computational cost of disabled log Debug statements. Note
that even if the property is false, Debug log lines may be received anyway by the Debug methods.
Checks if this logger is enabled for the Trace level.
The property should be true if this logger is enabled for Trace events, false otherwise.
This property is intended to lessen the computational cost of disabled log Trace statements. Note
that even if the property is false, Trace log lines may be received anyway by the Trace methods.