Lightstreamer 5.1.2 Released

A maintenance release of Lightstreamer is now publicly available for download. It contains several fixes and improvements.

For paid editions, no license updates are necessary to upgrade, provided that a license for server 5.1 and JS client 6.1 is already in use and the maintenance contract is active.

Please contact if you have any questions.

Below is a list of the changed components.

Lightstreamer Server 5.1.2 Build 1623.14

Performance has been improved in extreme cases.

Client sessions that have not demonstrated to be active are no more counted in the audit logs.

Several fixes and improvements. Read full details in the changelog.

Lightstreamer JavaScript Client Library 6.1.4 Build 1640.11

It is now possible to add custom http headers to browser requests, to comply with some corporate proxies that require custom extensions.

Several bug fixes. Read full details in the changelog.

Lightstreamer iOS Client Library 1.2.6 Build 74.24

The new iOS library is now more robust to network glitches, removing some possible deadlocks that were possible under particular conditions.

Several bug fixes and improvements.  Read full details in the changelog.

Lightstreamer OS X Client Library 1.0.4 Build 4.21

The same changes as the iOS library have been added.

Read full details in the changelog.

Lightstreamer .NET Client Library 2.1.5296.28673

It is now possible to add extra http headers and cookies to the requests sent to the Lightstreamer Server, to comply with some corporate proxies that require custom extensions.

Read full details in the changelog.

May 4, 2022
Originally published: July 22, 2014

< 1 min read

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