We are very excited to announce that a new version of Lightstreamer is now publicly available for download.
The new package, tagged Lightstreamer 5.1 Colosseo 20121220, contains updated versions of several components (such as Lightstreamer Server 5.1, Lightstreamer JavaScript Client 6.0.1, Lightstreamer iOS Client 1.2, etc.) as well as a brand new client SDK for Windows 8 WinRT.
Lightstreamer Server 5.1 contains several improvements:
- Improved performance when parsing client requests (for both HTTP and WebSockets).
- Optimization of the sendMessage facility over WebSockets. Extension of both the Monitor Console and the JMX interface to provide stats on the messages received from clients.
- Increase in the degree of asynchronous behavior of the Adapter interfaces, now enabling blocking implementations. In particular, the locking policy and the sequentialization constraint on the invocation of the “notifyNewTables” and “notifyTablesClose” callbacks have been relieved. This applies to all the Adapter interfaces (Java, .NET, and Adapter Remoting Infrastructure). Read more on this new behavior…
- Facility to automatically upload audit logs (for paid versions with Site licenses).
- Several bug fixes.
Read more on the server-side improvements above…
Lightstreamer WinRT Client API 1.0 is a brand new SDK for developing real-time applications based on Microsoft Windows Runtime (WinRT) architecture for the Windows 8 operating system. A native WinRT library is provided, together with full API reference and a working example, which is also available from the Windows Store.
Lightstreamer JavaScript Client API 6.0.1 contains several bug fixes, together with performance improvements and expanded documentation and examples. Read more on the JS client improvements…
Lightstreamer iOS Client API 1.2 contains a brand new threading model and other improvements:
- Now the library makes use of dynamic thread pools, for better performance and smaller memory footprint.
- Code optimized for iPhone 5 chipset (armv7s) has been included.
- Some bug fixes.
Read more on the iOS client improvements…
As always, you can upgrade your servers and your clients independently. You should upgrade the servers first, as Lightstreamer Server 5.1 is compatible with all older client libraries. Then you can upgrade the client libraries.
If you have a paid version of Lightstreamer (Allegro, Presto, or Vivace) and you have a valid support and maintenance agreement in place, you can get your new license keys by contacting info@lightstreamer.com. You can download the Lightstreamer 5.1 package from www.lightstreamer.com/download, after reading and agreeing to the updated Software License Agreement.
If you have the free version of Lightstreamer (Moderato) you don’t need any license key. You can download the Lightstreamer 5.1 Moderato package from www.lightstreamer.com/download, after reading and agreeing to the updated Software License Agreement.
If you have an existing installation of Lightstreamer (either 4.x or 5.0), we suggest to do a fresh install of Lightstreamer 5.1, then:
Take note of the changes you performed on the lightstreamer_conf.xml and lightstreamer_log_conf.xml configuration files and apply your changes to the new factory configuration files (should be easy, as the config files have not changed radically). Please check out the red COMPATIBILITY NOTES in the CHANGELOG (Lightstreamer Server section) to know about any compatibility changes in the configuration files.
Deploy your existing Adapters after reading the CHANGELOG (Adapters sections), to learn about any possible compatibility issue and if you need to recompile your code.
Please read carefully through the CHANGELOG (the section regarding your client SDK) to learn about any possible compatibility issue and if you need to recompile your code. In particular, if you are coming from an existing installation of Lightstreamer 4.x, consider that the JavaScript client library has completely changed, so you will need to port your existing JS code after learning how the new library works (a tutorial on how to port your code from JS Client 5 to JS Client 6 is available on our blog).