Lightstreamer Unity Client 2.1.3
ConnectionInfo Properties Public Properties
Public Properties
ID of the Adapter Set to be used to handle all requests in the session. An Adapter Set defines the Metadata Adapter and one or several Data Adapters. It is configured on the server side through an "adapters.xml" file; the ID is configured through the "id" attribute in the "adapters_conf" element.
The default setting is null, which is equivalent to the "DEFAULT" ID.
Configuration object that specifies the constraints to be applied on the overall data flow from the Connection. They can only be used in order to restrict the constraints set by Lightstreamer Server Metadata Adapter.
The property is readonly. The configuration object can be modified directly.
The length to be used by the Server for the response body on a stream connection (a minimum length, however, is ensured by the server). After the content length exhaustion, the connection will be closed and a new connection will be automatically reopened. If it is 0, the length is decided by the Server.
The default setting is set to a very high value (50 millions).
If true, enables the Stream-sense feature; in case a streaming session is being opened (i.e. isPolling is false) and no answer has been received on the newly opened connection after a few seconds (set through StreamingTimeoutMillis), the connection attempt is discarded and a new session opening attempt is performed in smart polling mode.
The default setting is true.
A list of name-value pairs representing extra http headers to be attached to every request made by the library.
Null can be set to reset the http headers to the default ones. Each time this value is set, previously specified collections are completely overridden.
Note that some headers are refused by the library (namely Accept, Connection, Content-Length, Content-Type, Date, Host, If-Modified-Since, Range, Transfer-Encoding) while others might be ignored or refused by .NET itself. Refused headers will result in connection failures.
The default setting is null.
Note that it is also possible to specify a Cookie header, its value to be... more 
Keepalive time requested for the push connection. After an inactivity of this length on the push connection, a keepalive signal is sent by the Server. If it is 0, the keepalive time is decided by the Server. If it is too small, the Server may use a different keepalive time as well.
The default setting is 0.
User password to be supplied to the Server in the connection request. If it is null, no User password is supplied.
The default setting is null.
If set to true, data streaming is simulated through a smart polling mechanism, that is a sequence of synchronous connections to the Server, each of which will receive the currently available updates, or wait until one is available.
The use of polling can become necessary in cases where the connection stream is not delivered in real time because of some router or firewall or antivirus. Even when this flag is set to false, however, the library may detect those cases and automatically attempt to resort to a smart polling connection, provided that EnableStreamSense is set to true.
The default setting... more 
Maximum time the Server is allowed to wait for updates in case none are available at connection time and a polling connection has been requested. A zero value leads to a classical polling behaviour, while a nonzero value leads to an "asynchronous polling", also known as smart polling, behaviour. Typically, a nonzero value for this attribute is associated with a zero value for the "PollingMillis" attribute.
Note: since the Server, while waiting for an update, needs to keep a socket and a session active, even if the client has already closed the connection on its side, the Server... more 
Time between the end of a polling connection and the start of the next one, if polling behaviour has been specified. Zero is a legal value, although the Server may decide to delay request fulfilling if request frequency is too high.
Note: since the Server needs to keep a session active between subsequent polling connections, the Server may force the library to use a polling time shorter than requested.
The default setting is 0.
Timeout for activity checks, expressed in milliseconds. If, after a warning that the connection is stalled (see ProbeWarningMillis), no data has been received on the stream connection for this further time, then the connection is forcibly closed.
The default setting is 3000 (3 seconds).
Timeout for activity check warnings, expressed in milliseconds. If no data is being received on the stream connection and a keepalive message is late for this time, then a notification is issued to the IConnectionListener that the connection is stalled.
After the notification, if some data or keepalive is received before ProbeTimeoutMillis elapses, then a notification is issued to the IConnectionListener that the activity is normal again; otherwise the connection is forcibly closed.
The default setting is 2000 (2 seconds).
Lightstreamer Server URL (without the path part) to be used for control requests; e.g. "". Typically, it may differ from pushServerUrl because of the protocol. If it is null, then pushServerUrl is used.
The default setting is null.
Lightstreamer Server URL, without the path part; e.g. "".
Setting this property is mandatory.
The maximum elapsed time in milliseconds allowed for a successful reconnection attempt. Silent reconnections are performed in case of response content length filling or if polling behaviour has been requested.
NOTE: The first connection is not checked against this timeout; this can be done by the user, by observing the elapsed time in the LSClient.OpenConnection call.
The default setting is 5000 (5 seconds).
The maximum elapsed time in milliseconds allowed for the first successful streaming connection attempt on a streaming session. The timeout check is performed only when the Stream-sense feature is enabled, i.e. EnableStreamSense is true; if it fails, the current attempt will be discarded and a new session opening will be tried in smart polling mode.
NOTE: In case the connection is not possible at all, the polling attempt may also hang. However, no timeout check on the polling attempt is performed; this can be done by the user, by observing the elapsed time in the LSClient.OpenConnection call. That custom timeout... more 
User name to be supplied to the Server in the connection request. If it is null, no User name is supplied.
The default setting is null.