Lightstreamer iOS Client  1.4.4
Native iOS Client library for Lightstreamer
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LSLog Class Reference

The LSLog class controls the local logging system. More...

#import <LSLog.h>

Inheritance diagram for LSLog:

Class Methods

(void) + setDelegate:
 Sets a new log delegate. More...
(void) + enableSourceType:
 Enables logging for a specific source. More...
(void) + enableAllSourceTypes
 Enables logging for all sources. More...
(void) + disableSourceType:
 Disables logging for a specific source. More...
(void) + disableAllSourceTypes
 Disables logging for all sources. More...
(BOOL) + isSourceTypeEnabled:
 Tells is a specific source is enabled. More...

Detailed Description

The LSLog class controls the local logging system.

Method Documentation

+ (void) disableAllSourceTypes

Disables logging for all sources.

+ (void) disableSourceType: (int)  source

Disables logging for a specific source.

sourceThe identifier of the source.
+ (void) enableAllSourceTypes

Enables logging for all sources.

+ (void) enableSourceType: (int)  source

Enables logging for a specific source.

sourceThe identifier of the source.
+ (BOOL) isSourceTypeEnabled: (int)  source

Tells is a specific source is enabled.

sourceThe identifier of the source.
+ (void) setDelegate: (id< LSLogDelegate >)  delegate

Sets a new log delegate.

Once a delegate has been set, all subsequent log lines are redirected to the delegate. The local logging system will just provide line formatting, no log messages will be written to the console or other destinations if not by delegate's initiative.

delegateThe log delegate, or nil to revert to the local logging system.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: