Lightstreamer iOS Client  1.4.4
Native iOS Client library for Lightstreamer
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CLSConnectionConstraintsCollects the constraints to be applied on the overall data flow from a Connection
 CLSConnectionInfoCollects the parameters related to a connection request to Lightstreamer Server
 CLSExtendedTableInfoSpecification of a table to be subscribed to Lightstreamer Server, comprised all the item and field names
 CLSMessageInfoMessage object that will be sent to a Lightstreamer Server
 CLSMPNInfoTable and format specification of mobile push notifications (MPN) to be sent on the update of an MPN subscription
 CLSMPNKeySubscription ID to be used to access an MPN subscription
 CLSMPNStatusInfoAdditional information about the status of a mobile push notification (MPN) subscription (see checkStatus (LSMPNSubscription)) and its related device
 CLSMPNTokenChangeInfoAdditional information about the result of a device token change on the Server (see LSConnectionDelegate::didSucceedChangingDeviceTokenOnServerWithInfo:)
 CLSSubscribedTableKeyKey value to be used to unsubscribe from tables
 CLSSubscriptionConstraintsCollects the constraints to be applied on the data flow from a Subscription
 CLSTableInfoSpecification of a table to be subscribed to Lightstreamer Server
 CLSExtendedTableInfoSpecification of a table to be subscribed to Lightstreamer Server, comprised all the item and field names
 CLSExceptionBase class of all Lightstreamer client exceptions
 CLSPushClientExceptionIncapsulates exceptions thrown due to client-side problems, such as invalid parameters for a request
 CLSPushConnectionExceptionIncapsulates exceptions thrown due to connectivity problems with the Server
 CLSPushServerExceptionIncapsulates exceptions thrown due to a specific error returned by the Server
 CLSPushUpdateExceptionIncapsulates exceptions thrown due to unexpected or wrong data updates received from the Server
 CLSClientIncapsulates a single connection to Lightstreamer Server
 CLSConnectionConstraintsCollects the constraints to be applied on the overall data flow from a Connection
 CLSConnectionInfoCollects the parameters related to a connection request to Lightstreamer Server
 CLSLogControls the local logging system
 CLSMessageInfoMessage object that will be sent to a Lightstreamer Server
 CLSMPNInfoTable and format specification of mobile push notifications (MPN) to be sent on the update of an MPN subscription
 CLSMPNKeySubscription ID to be used to access an MPN subscription
 CLSMPNStatusInfoAdditional information about the status of a mobile push notification (MPN) subscription (see checkStatus (LSMPNSubscription)) and its related device
 CLSMPNSubscriptionWraps the key (as an LSMPNKey object) and the specifications (as an LSMPNInfo object) of a mobile push notifications (MPN) subscription
 CLSMPNTokenChangeInfoAdditional information about the result of a device token change on the Server (see LSConnectionDelegate::didSucceedChangingDeviceTokenOnServerWithInfo:)
 CLSSubscribedTableKeyKey value to be used to unsubscribe from tables
 CLSSubscriptionConstraintsCollects the constraints to be applied on the data flow from a Subscription
 CLSTableInfoSpecification of a table to be subscribed to Lightstreamer Server
 CLSUpdateInfoInformation about an update for a subscribed item
 C<LSConnectionDelegate>The LSConnectionDelegate protocol receives notifications of connection activity and errors
 C<LSLogDelegate>The LSLogDelegate protocol can be used to redirect the local logging system to a different destination, such as a file or an application-wide logging system
 C<LSMessageDelegate>The LSMessageDelegate protocol receives notifications of server responses to sent messages
 C<LSTableDelegate>The LSTableDelegate protocol receives notification of data updates and subscription termination for a table