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Lightstreamer iOS Client
Native iOS Client library for Lightstreamer
▼C<NSCopying> | |
CLSConnectionConstraints | Collects the constraints to be applied on the overall data flow from a Connection |
CLSConnectionInfo | Collects the parameters related to a connection request to Lightstreamer Server |
CLSExtendedTableInfo | Specification of a table to be subscribed to Lightstreamer Server, comprised all the item and field names |
CLSMessageInfo | Message object that will be sent to a Lightstreamer Server |
CLSMPNInfo | Table and format specification of mobile push notifications (MPN) to be sent on the update of an MPN subscription |
CLSMPNKey | Subscription ID to be used to access an MPN subscription |
CLSMPNStatusInfo | Additional information about the status of a mobile push notification (MPN) subscription (see checkStatus (LSMPNSubscription)) and its related device |
CLSMPNTokenChangeInfo | Additional information about the result of a device token change on the Server (see LSConnectionDelegate::didSucceedChangingDeviceTokenOnServerWithInfo:) |
CLSSubscribedTableKey | Key value to be used to unsubscribe from tables |
CLSSubscriptionConstraints | Collects the constraints to be applied on the data flow from a Subscription |
▼CLSTableInfo | Specification of a table to be subscribed to Lightstreamer Server |
CLSExtendedTableInfo | Specification of a table to be subscribed to Lightstreamer Server, comprised all the item and field names |
▼CNSException | |
▼CLSException | Base class of all Lightstreamer client exceptions |
CLSPushClientException | Incapsulates exceptions thrown due to client-side problems, such as invalid parameters for a request |
CLSPushConnectionException | Incapsulates exceptions thrown due to connectivity problems with the Server |
CLSPushServerException | Incapsulates exceptions thrown due to a specific error returned by the Server |
CLSPushUpdateException | Incapsulates exceptions thrown due to unexpected or wrong data updates received from the Server |
▼CNSObject | |
CLSClient | Incapsulates a single connection to Lightstreamer Server |
CLSConnectionConstraints | Collects the constraints to be applied on the overall data flow from a Connection |
CLSConnectionInfo | Collects the parameters related to a connection request to Lightstreamer Server |
CLSLog | Controls the local logging system |
CLSMessageInfo | Message object that will be sent to a Lightstreamer Server |
CLSMPNInfo | Table and format specification of mobile push notifications (MPN) to be sent on the update of an MPN subscription |
CLSMPNKey | Subscription ID to be used to access an MPN subscription |
CLSMPNStatusInfo | Additional information about the status of a mobile push notification (MPN) subscription (see checkStatus (LSMPNSubscription)) and its related device |
CLSMPNSubscription | Wraps the key (as an LSMPNKey object) and the specifications (as an LSMPNInfo object) of a mobile push notifications (MPN) subscription |
CLSMPNTokenChangeInfo | Additional information about the result of a device token change on the Server (see LSConnectionDelegate::didSucceedChangingDeviceTokenOnServerWithInfo:) |
CLSSubscribedTableKey | Key value to be used to unsubscribe from tables |
CLSSubscriptionConstraints | Collects the constraints to be applied on the data flow from a Subscription |
CLSTableInfo | Specification of a table to be subscribed to Lightstreamer Server |
CLSUpdateInfo | Information about an update for a subscribed item |
▼C<NSObject> | |
C<LSConnectionDelegate> | The LSConnectionDelegate protocol receives notifications of connection activity and errors |
C<LSLogDelegate> | The LSLogDelegate protocol can be used to redirect the local logging system to a different destination, such as a file or an application-wide logging system |
C<LSMessageDelegate> | The LSMessageDelegate protocol receives notifications of server responses to sent messages |
C<LSTableDelegate> | The LSTableDelegate protocol receives notification of data updates and subscription termination for a table |