Lightstreamer iOS Client  1.4.4
Native iOS Client library for Lightstreamer
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LSMPNTokenChangeInfo Class Reference

The LSMPNTokenChangeInfo class contains additional information about the result of a device token change on the Server (see LSConnectionDelegate::didSucceedChangingDeviceTokenOnServerWithInfo:). More...

#import <LSMPNTokenChangeInfo.h>

Inheritance diagram for LSMPNTokenChangeInfo:

Instance Methods

(id) - initWithRestoredSubscriptions:
 Initializes an LSMPNTokenChangeInfo object with the specified parameters. More...

Class Methods

(LSMPNTokenChangeInfo *) + mpnTokenChangeInfoWithRestoredSubscriptions:
 Creates and returns an LSMPNTokenChangeInfo object with the specified parameters. More...


int restoredSubscriptions
 The number of MPN subscriptions reactivated with the device token change. More...

Detailed Description

The LSMPNTokenChangeInfo class contains additional information about the result of a device token change on the Server (see LSConnectionDelegate::didSucceedChangingDeviceTokenOnServerWithInfo:).

Method Documentation

- (id) initWithRestoredSubscriptions: (int)  restoredSubscriptions

Initializes an LSMPNTokenChangeInfo object with the specified parameters.

This initializer is for internal use only.

restoredSubscriptionsNumber of the MPN subscriptions reactivated with the device token change.
+ (LSMPNTokenChangeInfo *) mpnTokenChangeInfoWithRestoredSubscriptions: (int)  restoredSubscriptions

Creates and returns an LSMPNTokenChangeInfo object with the specified parameters.

This factory method is for internal use only.

restoredSubscriptionsNumber of the MPN subscriptions reactivated with the device token change.

Property Documentation

- (int) restoredSubscriptions

The number of MPN subscriptions reactivated with the device token change.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: