Lightstreamer iOS Client  1.4.4
Native iOS Client library for Lightstreamer
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LSPushConnectionException Class Reference

The LSPushConnectionException class incapsulates exceptions thrown due to connectivity problems with the Server. More...

#import <LSPushConnectionException.h>

Inheritance diagram for LSPushConnectionException:

Instance Methods

(id) - initWithReason:
 Initializes an LSPushConnectionException object with specified parameters. More...
(id) - initWithReason:arguments:
 Initializes an LSPushConnectionException object with specified parameters. More...
- Instance Methods inherited from LSException
(id) - initWithName:reason:
 Initializes an LSException object with specified parameters. More...
(id) - initWithName:reason:arguments:
 Initializes an LSException object with specified parameters. More...

Class Methods

(LSPushConnectionException *) + connectionExceptionWithReason:
 Creates and raises an LSPushConnectionException object with specified parameters. More...

Detailed Description

The LSPushConnectionException class incapsulates exceptions thrown due to connectivity problems with the Server.

Method Documentation

+ (LSPushConnectionException *) connectionExceptionWithReason: (NSString *)  reason
,   ... 

Creates and raises an LSPushConnectionException object with specified parameters.

reasonReason of the exception.
The LSPushConnectionException object.
- (id) initWithReason: (NSString *)  reason
,   ... 

Initializes an LSPushConnectionException object with specified parameters.

reasonReason of the exception.
The LSPushConnectionException object.
- (id) initWithReason: (NSString *)  reason
arguments: (va_list)  arguments 

Initializes an LSPushConnectionException object with specified parameters.

reasonReason of the exception.
argumentsVariable argument list of parameters.
The LSPushConnectionException object.

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