Lightstreamer iOS Client  1.4.4
Native iOS Client library for Lightstreamer
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LSPushServerException Class Reference

The LSPushServerException class incapsulates exceptions thrown due to a specific error returned by the Server. More...

#import <LSPushServerException.h>

Inheritance diagram for LSPushServerException:

Instance Methods

(id) - initWithCode:reason:
 Initializes an LSPushServerException object with specified parameters. More...
(id) - initWithCode:reason:arguments:
 Initializes an LSPushServerException object with specified parameters. More...
- Instance Methods inherited from LSException
(id) - initWithName:reason:
 Initializes an LSException object with specified parameters. More...
(id) - initWithName:reason:arguments:
 Initializes an LSException object with specified parameters. More...

Class Methods

(LSPushServerException *) + serverExceptionWithCode:reason:
 Creates and raises an LSPushServerException object with specified parameters. More...


int errorCode
 The specific error code returned by the Server. More...

Detailed Description

The LSPushServerException class incapsulates exceptions thrown due to a specific error returned by the Server.

Method Documentation

- (id) initWithCode: (int)  errorCode
reason: (NSString *)  reason
,   ... 

Initializes an LSPushServerException object with specified parameters.

errorCodeThe specific error code returned by the Server.
reasonReason of the exception.
The LSPushServerException object.
- (id) initWithCode: (int)  errorCode
reason: (NSString *)  reason
arguments: (va_list)  arguments 

Initializes an LSPushServerException object with specified parameters.

errorCodeThe specific error code returned by the Server.
reasonReason of the exception.
argumentsVariable argument list of parameters.
The LSPushServerException object.
+ (LSPushServerException *) serverExceptionWithCode: (int)  errorCode
reason: (NSString *)  reason
,   ... 

Creates and raises an LSPushServerException object with specified parameters.

errorCodeThe specific error code returned by the Server.
reasonReason of the exception.
The LSPushServerException object.

Property Documentation

- (int) errorCode

The specific error code returned by the Server.

See the text protocol documentation for a reference of the error codes that can be issued in response to the operation performed (i.e. stream/poll, subscription, or synchronous sendMessage request). On the other hand, if the error is in response to a MPN request, then the following codes may be received:

  • 17: bad Data Adapter name or default Data Adapter not defined for the current Adapter Set
  • 21: bad Group name
  • 22: bad Group name for this Schema
  • 23: bad Schema name
  • 24: mode not allowed for an Item
  • 40: mobile push notifications (MPN) are not supported by this Server instance
  • 41: mobile push notification (MPN) request timed out
  • 42: mobile push notification (MPN) request specified an invalid platform
  • 43: mobile push notification (MPN) request specified an invalid application ID
  • 44: mobile push notification (MPN) request specified an invalid format or syntax in trigger expression
  • 45: mobile push notification (MPN) request specified an unknown device token
  • 46: mobile push notification (MPN) request specified an unknown or invalid subscription ID
  • 47: mobile push notification (MPN) request specified an invalid argument name in format or trigger expression
  • 48: mobile push notification (MPN) request specified a device token that has been invalidated by APNS Feedback Service
  • 49: mobile push notification (MPN) request specified a subscription parameter that exceeded maximum length
  • 50: mobile push notification (MPN) request specified a subscription with no fields or no items
  • <= 0: the Metadata Adapter has refused the connection or subscription request, the code value is dependent on the specific Metadata Adapter implementation

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