Category Archives - Uncategorized

Protecting Lightstreamer Against POODLE (SSLv3)

Google’s researchers recently discovered a new vulnerability affecting the SSL protocol. POODLE, which stands for Padding Oracle On Downgraded Legacy Encryption, allows an attacker (a man-in-the-middle) to decrypt ciphertext using a padding oracle side-channel attack. Full details are available in this Google paper. POODLE affects older standards of encryption, specifically Secure Socket Layer (SSL) version 3.0. It does…

Lightstreamer 5.1.2 Released

A maintenance release of Lightstreamer is now publicly available for download. It contains several fixes and improvements. For paid editions, no license updates are necessary to upgrade, provided that a license for server 5.1 and JS client 6.1 is already in use and the maintenance contract is active. Please contact if you have any questions. Below is…

Developing Swift Apps on iOS with Lightstreamer

Unless you have been living under a rock in the last month or so, you should know Apple introduced a new programming language during WWDC 2014. Like a typical Steve Jobs’ “One more thing” move, Craig Federighi introduced Swift at the very end of the keynote. The intention of the new language is to leave behind some…

Exploiting Static Exception Checking in Asynchronous Java Code

Hierarchical exception handling and static exception checking are among the most significant features offered by the Java language; however, their support is limited to procedural code and can only be exploited in hierarchies of function calls. So, there is nothing similar to assist us when it comes to event-driven programming or asynchronous programming, where the…

Updates to Lightstreamer JavaScript, iOS, and OS X Client Libs

A new release of the stable version of Lightstreamer is now available, containing updates to: JavaScript client library iOS client library OS X client library JavaScript Client Library The new version is 6.1.1. It fixes an issue with Chrome browser version 33 and newer, where a harmless request for a page named “null” was performed to the…

Lightstreamer 6.0 Preview Release Available

We are very pleased to announce the early public availability of the next release of Lightstreamer Colosseo: version 6.0. Lightstreamer now includes support for Mobile Push Notifications (MPN). Clients have new APIs to activate special subscriptions whose updates are delivered through push notifications. New MPN subscriptions are persistent, compatible with existing data adapters, and require only one call to be activated. Now, just…

Yet Another Integration: AngularJS

I had some spare time, so I decided to put together some code to make a PoC integration between our Lightstreamer JavaScript client library and Google’s AngularJS. The integration went smoothly: simply prepare the view using AngularJS syntax, then populate the associated model object with the data flowing in from the Lightstreamer subscription. At each update,…

New Client SDK for OS X Available for Download

Version 1.0 of our new Lightstreamer Client SDK for the OS X platform is now available. The OS X client library is directly derived from the iOS client library, with which is API compatible. It supports automatic reconnection, automatic resubscription, stream sensing and advanced thread pooling just like the iOS one. A sample application is…

Benchmarking Socket.IO vs. Lightstreamer with Node.js

Because of the increasing popularity of server-side JavaScript, some weeks ago we released a Node module which enables you to write a Lightstreamer adapter that runs inside Node.js. If you are not familiar with Lightstreamer, it is a server that implements bi-directional real-time messaging for mobile, browser-based, and desktop apps. And a Lightstreamer adapter is a custom piece of…

Amazon AMIs for Lightstreamer Moderato Now Available

Cloud services like Amazon AWS are a perfect way to reduce the time and costs associated to exploring, testing, and deploying new technologies. You choose an AMI, launch an EC2 instance and you are done. A brand new machine with all the software you need is ready to use! The good news is that now we provide…